
Monday, October 31, 2022

Screaming Dead Part 3

At the very beginning of Screaming Dead, AJ Khan stars as a model working for a sadistic photographer, who has her on a torture table while he takes pictures of her.

AJ's hands are not actually tied; she's holding onto a lever that gets harder to hold with the more sand that fills the bowl above a knife that's aimed at her belly.

But her bare feet are restrained at the ankles. AJ's character survives her encounter with the weird photographer. Hope she got a raise for all this grief.

And one more thing. There's no bondage here, but the secretary who works for the weirdo photographer works all day barefoot.

She's required to work barefoot all day by her boss (she's also required to dress like a lumberjack, too--not sure why, but whatever floats the boss's boat).

Happy Halloween! Have a fun and safe time, everybody.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Screaming Dead Part 2

Eventually, all of the women in the paranormal team are captured by the ghost, and each is tied up in a special torture trap.

Heidi Kristoffer is locked down to a table, with her head in a vice. There's a tank of water right over her head, dripping one drop of water on her forehead, a la the Chinese Water torture method. She's barefoot and clad in her underwear in this scene.

Rachel Robbins gets strapped down to another torture device, also barefoot and clad only in her underwear.

The device that Robbins is bound to is slowly stretching her arms and legs out to the breaking point.

This scene is the best one in the film, with plenty of shots of her bound, sweaty body and bound bare feet.

Although Screaming Dead is an entertaining movie overall. But wait, there's even more coming up!

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Screaming Dead Part 1

Another good movie for Halloween, and for us. The Screaming Dead was a horror film that was released in 2003. It involves a group of paranormal investigators--mostly made up of hot women--who spend the night at a reportedly haunted building.

Yet before any ghosts can threaten them, the women are each cuffed to their beds by the group leader. They are cuffed by one ankle.

The reason they are all cuffed like this is so they won't run off before everybody can properly explore the weird goings-on.

Personally, the pervert in me would have tied them down to the beds a little more (spread-eagle, hogtie), but this is still a very nice scene.

Each woman's bare foot is displayed nicely, and I love the expressions the actresses have in this moment. Talk about an uneasy situation.

Things get crazy when one of the cuffed women has a creepy encounter. She's rescued by one of the more decent guys on the team, who kicks down her door. More to come!

Friday, October 28, 2022

Descendant Part 2

Katherine Heigl stars in Descendant twice: first in a very brief (and gory) scene at the beginning of the film where she is stabbed to death in her own bedroom back in the 1800s. I don't have any pictures of that because it's too quick, the shots are awful, and it ends very violently and bloody.

But later in the film, the 21st century version of her character basically encounters the same deadly situation of getting tied down to her bed.

Barefoot, she's clad in just a white nightgown and is gagged with tape.

She's menaced by a guy, but he's actually possessed, or something. It has something to do with Edgar Allan Poe. It's not a very good movie.

But the bondage scenes, both of them, are great.

And Katherine's character also survives her ordeal. Nice.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Phantasm II

Phantasm II is my favorite film in this horror film series. Is it because of this scene? Probably. Paula Irvine stars here as the female lead who's first seen in this eerie scene dressed in a black cloak with a hood over her head.

When the hood is pulled back, Irvine is seen with an interesting gag covering her mouth. It looks like a medical gag. She's kneeling down in a manner that suggests her wrists are tied to something in front of her. But the black cloak doesn't reveal much of her body.

This scene becomes very gory when a monster emerges from her back, Alien-like. Since she's bare-backed under the cloak, I'm assuming that she's naked (and thus barefoot).

There's more bondage with Irvine strapped to a gurney, but she's fully dressed. Phantasm II is the only film in the series to have any bondage, and it's also a great flick overall to watch for Halloween. You can see a clip of the first bondage scene right here.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

I Believe Now

Ruth agrees to spend a few days in a house that's reported to be haunted. Turns out it is haunted in a very big way! Find out what happens in my latest Poser picture right here.

Note: the picture I used here is from Girls Next Door.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Descendant Part 1

Our Halloween theme continues with the film Descendant. Whitney Dylan appears here as the victim of a possessed serial killer.

Captured straight out of bed, she's still barefoot and scantily clad as the killer restraints her in an elaborate bit of bondage.

And even after she's tied, he still keeps wrapping her up with tape.

It's a good scene, bondage-wise, with plenty of coverage (both literally, like on Dylan's body, as well as coverage of the scene overall).

As I've said, there's plenty of detail on display, here.

And Dylan is even rescued at the end, too. As nice as this scene is, there's even more from the movie! More is coming up.

Monday, October 24, 2022

It is October 24th

"You are in the house of Elrond. And it is ten o'clock in the morning, on October the twenty-fourth, if you want to know."

That is what Gandalf says to Frodo when the young Hobbit first wakes up after a long ordeal. Today's the 24th of October, and I always try to either re-watch The Fellowship of the Ring, or something else that has to do with my favorite fantasy saga. But I have already been visiting Middle-Earth a great deal recently, in the form of The Rings of Power, on Amazon Prime. And, sadly, it's been a disappointing trip.

The series is spectacular to look at, with gorgeous visuals, but it oddly lacked the epic, operatic feel of the Peter Jackson films. When the Orcs were set loose on Helm's Deep in The Two Towers, it was an awesome and even frightening scene. When Adar rallies his troops in the forest, it was a very 'meh' moment overall. And while I'm tempted to say that it is just a TV show, with nary the budget of the films--that's simply not true. Amazon spent hundreds of millions of dollars on this series, so it SHOULD have been as epic as the Jackson films. But there are too many moments where it feels just like a cheaply done TV series.

When I heard the series would be taking place in the fabled kingdom of NĂºmenor, I couldn't wait to finally see this majestic island and its mighty people. But even NĂºmenor was a major let down, being depicted as it was in the series as just another bland fantasy kingdom. And Morfydd Clark has considerable charm and is a fine actress, but her Galadriel ultimately comes off as looking very dopey (I mean, is THAT where Sauron has been hiding all along? Really?).

While the first season of The Rings of Power was not good as I was hoping it to be, I'm not giving up on the series, which has been renewed for a second season. Hope springs eternal, as they say. And perhaps hope can still bloom in the lands of Middle-Earth during the second season. We shall see. Happy October 24!

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Ghost In The Invisible Bikini

Abducted from her bed by a gorilla (played by actor George Barrows in a gorilla suit), Lili (Deborah Walley) is taken down to the dungeon in Ghost In The Invisible Bikini.

Once there, Lili is tied (and gagged) on a log that's on a conveyor belt which leads to a buzzsaw.

Barefoot, and clad in her scant bed wear, Lili puts up a nice struggle as the log that she's tied to (and in a pretty elaborate fashion, too) slowly makes its way towards the churning buzzsaw.

I remember being mesmerized by this scene when I first saw it as a kid. Everything it about it is great, from Lili's struggling, to the fact that she's barefoot.

The scene is actually played for laughs, as the collected heroes and villains battle each other while Lili is threatened by the buzzsaw.

She literally travels back and forth, away from the buzzsaw and then back towards it, as the heroes and villains take turns throwing the switch that operates the conveyor to save her and kill her.

I'm not sure how much of a Halloween treat this flick can be, as the supernatual element is very slender, and the film is not very scary at all--unless you really enjoy silly, kitschy comedies. But the BF bondage scene makes it worth it for me.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

The Boogey Man

Hard to believe that The Boogey Man is forty two years old, now. Starring Suzanna Love, who also co-wrote the film with the director, Ulli Lommel, who was also her husband.

The barefoot bondage scene, where Love's character is abducted from bed, was one of the very first big scenes that I had noticed, and I had actually sought out the film on video back in the 1980s just to get this.

I've owned this movie on VHS tape, Laser Disc, and now on DVD. I have two separate copies on DVD, from two different video companies.

So to say that this scene from Boogey Man is one of my all-time favorites would be putting it very mildly. The performance of Love, as she's being dragged down the hallway, and while tied to the bed is superb. The fact that she's barefoot throughout makes things even better.

But the film overall can be enjoyed around Halloween, especially if you dig low-budget, B-movie horror. The Boogey Man tried to blend the slasher/supernatural film genres--but even if it didn't work for you, it can still be a very enjoyable watch on, or around, Halloween.

But that bondage scene, though! *Chef's kiss* You can see the clip right here.