
Monday, August 30, 2021

Caught Snoop

In this clip, taken from a Spanish soap, a young barefoot woman is taken captive by another woman. I don't know if her captor is also BF, but that usually turns me on if a female captor is BF, right along with her captive. Am I babbling?

But let me babble on, just to inform you that this clip, from DOC, is pretty nice for fans of BF bondage.

She's actually bound in a hogtie position on the bed.

The captor has some nice scenes where she lords it over her bound captive.

All in all, it's a very nice little BF bondage scene that last for a few minutes. You can see it right here.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Various & Sundry

I haven't done one of these various & sundry updates in a while, so here we are. Margot Robbie, who was so good in The Suicide Squad, appears here as a hig priestess of cool.

Instead of a priestess, we have a princess, as in princess Leia, played by the great Carrie Fisher.

Keri Russell is her own kind of cool.

And Brooke Shields looks very well dressed for the rain. Speaking of which, a large portion of the country is being threatened by a powerful hurricane today. If you are in its path, please keep your head down and stay safe.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Son Of The Beach

Kimberly Oja starred in Son of the Beach, a parody of Baywatch (and BW could be pretty darn funny--just not intentionally).

In the series' pilot episode, With Sex You Get Eggroll, Oja's character goes undercover--only to be captured and tied in a standing spread eagle.

As you can see, she's also clad only in her underwear and is barefoot.

And she's really cute, with her super short blonde hair.

She manages to sweet talk one of her captors into freeing her. These 'caps were taken not by me, but somebody else.

Back in the day, there were no video clips of bondage scenes--everybody was on dial up, which...was...super...slow. While I have a large library of clips now, and can make my own vidcaps (right from the clip itself), back then I had to depend on various web sites just to get still pictures of my favorite scenes. I recall that era fondly; we were still riding dinosuars back then.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Meet the Family

My latest has another caught snoop who's being prepared to meet the family. Only this family doesn't sound very nice. Find out what happens right here.

Note: the picture I used here is from the movie Hell.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Crouching Tiger

Zhang Ziyi co-stars in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon as Jen, who gets captured at about the midway point of the film.

She's bound hand and foot (hands in front), and is barefoot during her time in bondage.

It's one of the better BF bondage scenes, located in a movie that's very good, overall.

Zhang Ziyi plays a good damsel; wary of her captor, but still a fighter.

CTHD is one of my favorite movies, containing one of my favorite scenes.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021


Went surfing the web. And while surfing I came across Namroa.

She's related to Prince Namor, the Sub Mariner, and I think she's much better looking.

All of these pics are from the Golden Age comics, and they have a certain charm to them that's engaging. It also helps that Namora goes barefoot all the time.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The Babysitter's Seduction

Keri Russell stars in The babysitter's Seduction, a TV Movie that originally aired on the Lifetime Channel back in 1996.

Russell plays a babysitter who falls in love with her employer. Then she makes the really big mistake of snooping on his computer--and gets caught by him.

He promptly removes her shoes and uses her panty hose to bind her hands with--a memorably good, on-screen tie up scene that also renders the heroine barefoot, as well.

Once her hands are tied behind her back, Russell is placed within an elevator inside the house (it's a large mansion)

Lots of nice BF shots in this scene. Even though her feet are never tied, this is still one of my favorite BF bondage scenes.

And the wondrous Keri is fantastic throughout.

The clip is taken directly from the TV verion (not by me), which has the Lifetime logo in the corner. These pictures were taken by me from the DVD, which didn't have the logo. You can see the clip right here.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Creature Part Three

Serinda Swan stars as the other damsel in distress in Creature (2011). At the climax of the film, she's offered up as a sacrifice to the...well, the creature. The monster in this movie is not very big on names.

Clad in a dress, she's barefoot and tied down to an altar in the spread-eagle fashion.

Sid Haig officiates the ceremony, and--really--who better to do this than Captain Spaulding?

I just wish the monster itself was a little more inspired. It looks like a melted version of the Creature From The Black Lagoon.

But, still, there's a BF bondage scene right here.

So I'm willing to not look a gift creature in the mouth because of a BF bondage scene.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Creature Part Two

At one point in Creature, actress Lauren Schneider gets captured by some psycho.

The late great Sid Haig plays one of the psychos. Lauren Schneider was the actress who was foot-fucking the car radio in yesterday's update.

Unfortunately, her character meets her demise, here.

This is one of the reasons I'm not fond of bondage scenes in horror films: there's always a higher risk of the damsel not surviving her ordeal, which I hate.

I'm only putting this scene up just to be complete.

At least there's another scene, a BF bondage one, to come. I'll post that here tomorrow.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Creature Part One

Ever hear of a movie called Creature? It was a horror flick that was released ten years ago in 2011.

It had some bondage scenes, but before that, we get this interesting moment where the car radio gets foot-groped by the lead actress.

She does a nice, slow foot dance over the radio.

And it's a pretty long scene, too.

At this point I had forgotten what movie I was watching.

While she's lighting twin cigarettes (for herself and the radio), the guy looks like he's wondering if his crotch is next on her rubdown list. I don't blame him. Still of the bondage scenes from...uh, um...Creature...right...Creature will be up soon.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Not a good idea

The heroine in my latest Poser picture finds herself trussed up hands above her head in nothing but a bikini. She sees a way to escape, but does she? Find out right here.

Note: the picture, of another captured bikini-clad woman, is from the film Spring Fever.