
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Godzilla Vs Kong

I really enjoyed this one. Godzilla vs Kong is a great deal of fun and is even more enjoyable than the trailers made it out to be. It picks up the story threads from King of the Monsters and joyfully runs with it, creating a rollicking action film that winds up being better than the two previous Godzilla films combined (Kong: Skull Island is still a superb entry).

There's nothing here for us--meaning there are no bondage or BF scenes. But GVK is still a fantastic monster movie that's filled with gripping suspense, imagination, and even humor. Highly recommended for kaiju fans. In theaters and on HBOMax (I saw it on the latter).

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Charlie's Angels

There are three Charlie's Angels movies now available (my favorite of the CA movies is the 2000 film with Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz, and Lucy Liu), but I still prefer the original TV series.

Especially this episode, Waikiki Angels, from the fifth season. Kelly (Jaclyn Smith) and Kris (Cheryl Ladd) go undercover as lifeguards, only to get captured by some bad guys (one of whom played the title role on Grizzly Adams back in the day).

This is my favorite of all the CA bondage scenes because (as you might guess) Kris and Kelly are both barefoot throughout the scene.

Would have been nice if their feet were tied, but, it's still a nice one. You can see it right here.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Intensiv Zweitfrau

This is a music video featuring a singer who performs the song while tied up. Perhaps she's trying to illustrate the binding conventions of life that we all have to deal with.

And did I mention that she also goes barefoot throughout this little gig?

Perhaps the ropes are symbolic of the restrictions that we all put on ourselves?

Or maybe it's the restrictions that society places on our imaginations?

Or it could be that she just likes being tied up. Whatever, I'm just grateful to her for doing this video.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Slithering with James Gunn

A new red-band trailer for James Gunn's The Suicide Squad went online over this past weekend, and it looks great. I can't wait to see it.

But I still fondly remember Gunn from his feature film debut, a horror film called Slither.

Slither is a fantastic horror film about disgusting slugs that take over a rural town. On top of some insane gore, the movie is also very funny.

It also had its fair share of BF scenes, with star Elizabeth Banks going barefoot for the entire climax of the movie.

If you like stories with creepy, crawly tendrils grabbing beautiful young barefoot women, then you might like this one.

Just be sure to mind the slugs.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Death Proof

Went grocery shopping the other day, and during the drive I encountered another car that had a barefoot woman with her feet up on the dash.

I was surprised to see this, because while spring is about a week old in my neck of the woods, it's still very chilly.

But seeing that BF sight instantly brought up Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof, which is not one of my favorite films of his, but it's still loaded with customary BF women shots, such as a woman putting her BF up on the dash of a car.

There are also shots of BF women sticking their feet out the side windows, as well.

As well as on bar stools.

Just about anything, really.

It might be time for a re-watch for me of this flick.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Interuppted Party

Kate returns to a place that she's worked before, secure in the knowledge that she can be trusted--right up until she's tied up and gagged on the floor. Is this part of a new game? Or has something gone wrong? Find out in my latest Poser picture right here.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Various & Sundry

The first picture for the Various & Sundry: Spring 2021 edition, is Alyson Hannigan, taken in a publicity photo for American Pie.

Angelina Jolie practices her aim.

Meanwhile Anna Friel wonders what that sound she keeps hearing in the other room is.

And Anna Paquin shows off on the beach gymnastics set.

Did you know that Cameron Diaz is retired from acting? It's our loss.

And Charlize Theron is keeping a watchful eye on the assembly line.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Into The Blue 2

Mircea Monroe is abducted, along with her boyfriend, by nuclear-armed terrorists in Into The Blue 2: Electric Booga--uh, I meant Into The Blue 2: The Reef. It's a not very good movie that still has a pretty good scene.

Mircea gets abducted right from bed (no waiting!) by the bad guys and is brought to a boat that's docked at a marina. She's already gagged with her hands bound behind her back when she's brought on the boat.

Once aboard, her bare feet are bound together for a forced sleep over on the boat.

Her tape gag is very nicely done.

After spending the night bound and gagged, Mircea wakes up to a new day of being a hostage.

She goes on alert, keeping an eye for the bad guys, while one of the men she's tied with tries to crawl over to the radio. I realize there are tied guys here, but there are also some very nice shots of her bound bare feet, as well.

Monday, March 22, 2021

In The Home Stretch

The latest Ryta The Jungle Girl book is almost done. The manuscript is in the home stretch. I'm still in the process of writing, but I will be finished with the first draft soon, then the editing/rewrites of the second draft will begin. I'm now shooting for a late March/early April release. Keep it here for all of the up to date news on Ryta.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

The Informer

Ana de Armas, who was so memorable as Joi in Blade Runner 2049, also starred in a great little thriller called The Informer.

She stars here as Sofia, the wife of an informant for the FBI who gets into trouble with both the feds and the gangsters.

As expected, Sofia and her young daughter are taken hostage by the bad guys, who tie them up on the bed and then plan to burn the house down with them in it (jeez, they really are bad guys, aren't they?).

Sofia was wearing shoes when captured, but they are removed and she spends her entire bondage scene barefoot.

There's even a nice shot of her bound bare feet as she tries an escape attempt. A great barefoot bondae sceme in a movie that's very good, overall. It's currently playing on Amazon Prime. Warning, the clip contains spoilers, which you can see right here.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

World of Bondage

Houdini and Doyle was a mediocre TV series that managed to team up one of the world's greatest magicians and one of the world's greatest writers into a crime-solving duo, and still turn it into a dull affair.

Rebecca Liddiard, who co-starred on the series as their perky young assistant (it took place during the early 1900s), did a series of promotional videos, called World of Wonders, to support the series.

In one of these videos, which is still on YouTube, Rebecca shows how an escape artist can free himself from a straightjacket--all while wearing a straightjacket herself.

Although she wears shoes, it's genuinely endearing to see Rebecca carry out her hosting duties--including cheering on the escape artist--all while snugly clad in her own SJ. The clip can be seen below:

Friday, March 19, 2021

For Your Own Good

A woman who is caught snooping is tied up "for her own good" in my latest Poser picture. To find out the details of this sordid situation, just click right here.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

2-Headed Transplant Part 2

The plight of Pat Priest continues from The Incredible 2-Headed Transplant. Acting too surly in the lab--even while bound hand and foot--Pat is moved to a bedroom.

She rolls around a bit on the bed, still trussed up from the first scene.

Until she realizes something. There are visitors in the house, and if she's going to attract their attention, she needs to make some noise.

And so, bound or not, Pat decides it's time to knock over some shit!

And now we've got a scene with bound, reaching bare feet! Nice.

And despite this, she still doesn't escape, but is later put into a cage (not tied, and fully dressed).

If you haven't seen The Incredible 2-Headed Transplant yet, you should. Not only does it offer these nice scenes, but it's just good, B-Movie fun overall.