
Sunday, May 31, 2020

Darla's Dilemma

In my latest Poser picture, a cult member is ordered to do a grisly deed...but she has some doubts abour the whole thing. Find out what the dilemma is right here.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Money Heist

Ursula Corbero stars in the Netflix series Money Heist as Tokio, a professional bankrobber who gets captured by an old enemy in the fifth episode of the fourth season.

Although she's chained, Tokio is very feisty, fighting back as much as she can by kicking her captor. She winds up getting gagged at one point.

But her captor also responds by removing her boots and binding her ankles together.

A petite and feisty and now barefoot damsel. I find this to be rather nice! You can see this clip right over here.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Sans Shoes

Despite the chilly spring we've had (not to mention the PANDEMIC!) that made us stay inside longer than usual, it's finally getting warmer, and my thoughts always turn to pretty women going barefoot.

And so, to that end, here are some BF chick pics.

There's no real theme here; I just put up whatever catches my eye when looking through my collection.

And I thought the ladies in these five pics were particularly fetching.

Stay safe out there!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Beneath the Planet of the Apes

I just found out recently that Beneath the Planet of the Apes is now fifty years old.

I realize that the first POTA film is a classic, and while I heartily agree with that general opinion, I always liked BPOTA a little more.

The sequel was even more bizzare and freaky than the original, diving right into some pretty heady science fiction concepts.

But I also prefer BPOTA because it offered far more of Linda Harrison as Nova.

She only enters POTA about halfway through that film's running time. But Nova is seen throughout BPOTA, and she's also barefoot throughout the film, as well. Happy 50th, Beneath the Planet of the Apes!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Doreen the Explorer?

When I first saw the name for this clip, I initially thought it read "Dora," which made me think that Dora the Explorer finally ran into some serious trouble.

But the name is actually Doreen--most likely the name of the actress who's getting tied up by the bad guy (I did not clip this).

But, no worries, because Doreen gets rescued soon enough. But she's sure going to have a heck of a story to tell, isn't she?

No need to wait for when Doreen tells this tale at the next party, you can see this right here.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Hold on a minute

My snoop, Belle, finds herself in yet another scrape when she's caught snooping where she's not supposed to be. Find out what happens to her in my latest Poser picture, right here.

Saturday, May 23, 2020


The second trailer for Tenet, the new film from Christopher Nolan, has dropped (BONK!).

The latest trailer shows actress Elizabeth Debicki sitting in a car with her hands tied behind her back.

It's a very brief shot in the trailer, and I have no idea if she gets tied up any further in the film, but it's something of note for us.

You can see the trailer right here. Tenet is supposed to be coming out in mid July, and I hope it does, but time (mainly the pandemic) will tell.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Maleficent: Mistress of Evil

Elle Fanning co-stars in Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, the sequel to Maleficent, the Disney flick starring Angelina Jolie in the title role.

Fanning stars as Aurora, Maleficent's step-daughter who's a princess in her own realm.

At the beginning of the film, Aurora is frolicking barefoot in the woods with her little woodland critter subjects.

Although with the way the little critters treat her (stealing her crown and making her fall into a river), Aurora might want to consider getting a good publicist to improve her image.

I was hoping Aurora would go barefoot throughout the film, but--alas!--this is her only barefoot scene.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Bye, bye, Ruby

Oh, wow, Ruby Rose has left Batwoman! This came as a complete shock to me.

The series has been renewed for a second season, but they're going to have to recast the lead role of Batwoman/Kate Kane, now.

Don't know why Rose left. But I wish her well. I'm also looking forward to see who will take over for her.

In the meantime, enjoy this clip of Batwoman (and friend) in bondage, made by Raffish. You can see it right here.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Star Trek: Voyager

Jeri Ryan starred as Seven of Nine, a former Borg drone, on Star Trekl Voyager.

In the fourth season episode "Hunters," she's captured by an alien race who kinda sorta look like the Predators.

When Ryan wakes up she finds herself bound hand and foot aboard an alien vessel.

This was a nice, short scene, displaying one of my favorite moments: a damsel awakening to find herself in bondage.

A male member of Voyager is also tied up alongside her, though. You might want to keep this in mind should you wish to track down this scene.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Big Trouble in Little China

Big Trouble in Little China is one of my all-time favorite films, and it's not just because of certain scenes.

Suzee Pai stars as a woman who's abducted by a gang for money.

She's stashed in the back room of a house of ill repute.

But Suzee gets abducted AGAIN from the gang. This time an evil wizard wants her because of her green eyes. The green eyes are needed for a special ritual that the evil wizard wants to do. Some people have weird hobbies.

Kim Cattrall is also abducted by the bad guys and is memorably hogtied. Big Trouble in Little China is one of director John Carpenter's best films. It's a wonderfully rich fantasy story that introduced me to Asian cinema.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Burden of Evil

Eleonore Lamothe stars in this made for TV movie as the daughter of a senator who gets kidanpped.

She gets shown at various times of her captivity tied and gagged.

She's barefoot, and clad in her pajamas. She's quite the meek and mild damsel.

Fortunately, she survives her kidnapping. You can see this clip right here.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

History of the Batmobile

This is a fascinating and vastly entertaining documentary about the history of the Batmobile. It focuses on the Batmobile from the 1966 TV series, the 1989 movie Batmobile seen in the Tim Burton Batman films, the two Joel Schumacher Batmobiles seen in his Bat-films, and the Tumbler from the Christopher Nolan Bat-series.

They also discuss Batmobiles from the early 1940s Bat-movie serials, as well as the Batmobiles seen in the comics. This documentary is is a lot of fun and is highly recommended if you're a Batman fan (like me).

Saturday, May 16, 2020

You gotta be kidding me

My snoop, Marcie, has discovered some massive skullduggery going on while snooping. When she's tied up by the bad guys, Marcie also discovers she has a fellow captive in the next stall. And Marcie winds up being in even bigger trouble! Find out what happens in my latest Poser picture right here.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Lady Terminator

Barbara Anne Constable stars in Lady Terminator, a batshit-crazy flick that was released in Indonesia back in 1988. But while it's a goofy movie, it also has a very nice scene.

She's captured by a supernatural force while diving--which explains the lovely black bikini she's clad in.

The supernatural force drops her on a bed, where she's tied down in a nice spread-eagle fashion. The bonds magically wrap themselves around her wrists and ankles.

And she's barefoot all the way through this scene.

There's lots of struggling, and her bare skin even has a nice wet, glistening sheen to it.

She's crudely attacked by a snake, which transforms her into Lady Terminator, a demonically possessed woman who goes on a shooting spree.

Lady Terminator has to be seen to be believed, and this scene really makes it worth tracking down.