
Friday, November 29, 2019

Better Watch Out

Hello. Hope you're having a nice Thanksgiving Weekend (and if you're not celebrating Thanksgiving, then I hope you're having a nice weekend anyway).

As we now head into the Holiday Season proper, here's a little movie that takes place within the same season.

Olivia DeJonge stars in Better Watch Out as a babysitter who's battling home invaders.

She winds up getting tied to a chair for the better part of the film.

Lots of nice struggling, as she knocks over her chair at one point.

She's clad in her socks for the most part, except when she pulls off one of her socks, revealing a bare foot.

Better Watch Out starts off as being a raunchy Home Alone, until it turns really nasty (and gory). Not for the kiddies (even though it deals with kids), but horror movie loving fans may enjoy it.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Fun in the Tub

Mareike Fell finds herself tied to a tub in this wild and wet episode of Geliebte Schwestern (Beloved Nurses).

This scene comes complete with an evil woman named Ruth (played by Helga Bellinghausen) who gleefully arranges this little piece of revenge after Michaela foiled one of her earlier plots.

The scene offers some nice shots of her bound feet, mixed with a fair amount of struggling.

She eventually gets rescued, and Ruth presumably gets her comeuppance (but this is a soap opera, so you never know).

There are easier ways to keep clean, but this looks more fun. You can get the clip right here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Forbidden Planet

Anne Francis stars in the classic science fiction movie Forbidden Planet.

In her case, the movie might have well been called "Forbidden Shoes" because of the fact that she goes barefoot throughout most of it.

Released in 1956, Forbidden Planet tells the tale of the crew of a spaceship finding two survivors of a previous expedition on a far off world.

Aside from the fact that Anne (the only female member of the cast) goes BF all the time, there's a lot to recommend about Forbidden Planet.

In addition to being a superb SF film that still holds up today, Forbidden Planet also introduced us to the legendary Robbie the Robot. I first saw this film when I was very young, and I still love it now.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Reach for the thingy

A snooping woman has been caught and tied to a pole. But no problem, for all she has to do is reach for the thingy, and she'll be able to get herself free. But it might take a while. Check out the situation for yourself in my latest Poser picture right here.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Women on parked cars

Emma Stone and friend hanging out on a VW Bug. I think this is a scene from a movie, but I can't be too sure. Emma was superb as Gwen Stacy in The Amazing Spider-Man (which is a very good film in and of itself; just avoid the sequel).

Friday, November 22, 2019


Jacqui Gordon stars in this episode of Bellamy, an Australian cop show, where she gets abducted by a crook.

The episode is called My Fav'rit Policeman (1:10), and Miss Gordon is barefoot, and clad only in a bra and panties throughout her captivity.

She's tied up in several different ways, including to a chair.

I don't know who clipped this, but it's a fantastic BF bondage scene, and the damsel gets rescued at the end (which makes it even better, IMHO). You can get the clip right here.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Trail of a Serial Killer

Trail of a Serial Killer, also known as Papertrail, was a movie about cops hunting down a serial killer.

Thea Gill stars in my favorite scene, mainly because she's barefoot when she's taken by the serial killer.

It's still not a perfect scene; we get just some very quick shots of her being gagged and her bare feet being taped together at the ankles.

And, to make it worse, Gill's character does not survive her encounter with the killer (I always prefer it when the damsel in distress lives to see another day). But, it's still a barefoot bondage scene. And it was a pleasant oasis for me during an otherwise drab movie.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Off duty on Pan Am

Christina Ricci starred in a TV series called Pan Am back during the 2011/2012 season. She played a flight attendant who also did feats of daring do. Margot Robbie also starred in this series as another flight attendant named Harley Quinn (that's not really her character's name; just joking). Margot is on the left in the pictures.

These two shots show the ladies kicking back sans shoes after their plane landed. This series also landed, too. It was canceled midway through its first season. But that's OK, because I'd like to think that Pan Am still soars in our dreams, or words to that effect....

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

In 3 Tagen bist du tot 2

Dead In 3 Days was a great slasher movie from Austria about a serial killer stalking a group of teenage friends and killing them one by one. It featured a marvelous BF bondage scene with its lead actress, Sabrina Reiter. They made a sequel that came out two years later.

While the original film has been released in the States, the sequel still has not been released here. I found a video from the sequel, showing Sabrina Reiter making an escape attempt while scantily clad and barefoot. Although she's not tied, this scene is still very nice for BF fans, and makes me hope they release the sequel in the US soon.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Back and bound and gagged

Lara Croft, or at least my version of her, is back in a new Poser picture that I've made and posted over on my Deviant Art Page. To see what trouble Lara has gotten herself into now, just take a gander right here.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Practical Magic

At the very beginning of Practical Magic, Caprice Benedetti stars as a woman who's been accused of being a witch.

She's the ancestor of present day witches who're played by Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman.

And at first this looks like the typical sad scene of a witch being hung in the past.

But this witch surprises everybody by deliberately stepping off of the platform.

And the rope on her noose breaks, allowing her to land on her (bare) feet unharmed.

She's barefoot the entire time, and has her hands tied behind her back. But it also winds up being a really sweet scene that upends expectations by allowing a witch to triumph over her accusers. Nice touch.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Midnight Fear

August West stars in this scene from the movie Midnight Fear, from 1991, and it's one of the very first BF scenes that I've became aware of on the Worldwide Web.

This particular clip is from Raffish, who did a great job in getting such a nice, clear copy of this classic scene.

West is being held captive by some bad guys, who keep her in a strict hogtie on a bed. But she manages to escape...almost.

Her feet are still tied, and while she manages to hop away from her captors on her bound feet, West runs into trouble when she tries to untie her feet. You can download this clip right here.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Something for everybody here

I stumbled across this picture online while searching for something else. It's a cover from Detective Tales that shows a woman being hand gagged while a pair of bound bare feet dangle before her. Had I been around when this was first printed, I most definitely would have bought this issue.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Fantasy Island

The old TV series Fantasy Island ("The Plane! The Plane!") is back, this time as a movie starring Michael Peña as Mr. Rourke.

And, according to the trailer, we even have a bondage scene in this upcoming flick. It's the fantasy of one of the guests to get revenge on another woman who was her bully back in school.

And, as usual, Mr. Rourke always tries to please his guests. Welcome to Fantasy Island. The movie opens around Valentine's Day, 2020.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Another caught snoop

When will these snooping amateur detectives ever learn? Kara thought she could get away with snooping around in the home office of her host--and of course she was wrong. Find out what happens in my latest Poser picture right here.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Keeping warm with Ukuleles

Winter is showing up way earlier than I'd like it to; I was hoping Fall would last another month, but nope--it's been frigid temps and snow for us: fun, fun, fun! So my thoughts during these cold days tend to turn to things warm and tropical, like Honoka & Azita, the Ukulele Queens from Hawaii.

But if I can really be honest here, I'm more of a fan of these two because they almost always perform barefoot--which really warms my soul on the cold, snowy, howling-wind kind of day that I've been seeing this Fall. Wherever you are, keep warm.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Sheena 1984

I recently realized that this year is the 35th anniversary of the release of Sheena, starring former Charlie's Angel Tanya Roberts as the heroic jungle girl.

This was the first (and only) big budget jungle girl movie to be released in theaters (which was where I first saw it when it opened)>

I thought Tanya Roberts was picture perfect as Sheena. She looked just like I would imagine Sheena to be, and really gave the part her all.

She went barefoot throughout the whole film, and was even chained up at one point.

I've been working on the latest Ryta the Jungle Girl book, and re-watching Sheena has helped me to recharge during the writing.

The Latest Ryta book will be out next month (December 2019). I'll keep you updated on the progress and alert you as to exactly when the new Ryta book comes out. Happy 35th, Sheena!