
Sunday, June 30, 2019

Black Summer

I hesitated to watch Black Summer on Netflix at first, because I thought it was just another zombie TV show, and I was getting tired of the whole zombie thing, overall. But I recently saw it, and I'm glad I did, because Black Summer is very good.

Taking place in the opening days of a zombie outbreak, Black Summer is a supercharged race for survival just as society starts breaking down around the characters. It's gripping, fast-paced, and (unlike other shows) doesn't get rid of the zombie threat in exchange for lame soap opera. There are no scenes of interest for "those of us," but Black Summer is still an enjoyably scary ride. Recommended.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

The doctor is in

In the Smallville episode titled Freak, Chloe Sullivan (Allison Mack) finds herself abducted and strapped to a table.

It's quite an intense scene for this series, which usually didn't strip their damsels in distress.

It looks like she was abducted by aliens, but it's actually a secret medical lab run by Lex Luthor.

They're studying the rise of "freaks" or people who've developed superpowers after the meteor shower over Smallville (during which a certain Kryptonian crash landed in his spaceship).

Luthor watches Chloe's examination on a computer screen. It's a brief but very good BF bondage scene.

Friday, June 28, 2019

One of my faves

One of my favorite scenes is this extended one from Days of Our Lives, a daytime soap opera. Stephanie Cameron stars as a woman who had been abducted from her bed in the middle of the night.

The result is that she's barefoot and clad in pajamas the entire time while bound and gagged on a bed (there's also a sequence at the end here where she's tied to a chair while fully dressed).

She and her captor even find the time to chat amicably for a while.

There's also some great struggling scenes as Stephanie escapes and is recaptured (and escapes and is recaptured again). She's quite the feisty damsel.

While I had a copy of this scene for a while, I never put it up because the image quality was so bad. This clip, from M Johns, is one of the best I've seen so far.

You can get this clip right here.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Happy Summer!

I forgot that the summer solstice has come and gone and here we are in Summer '19! Happy Summer to you. I hope you can get out and enjoy the warm weather.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Royal Blood

I found another graphic novel with barefoot bondage in it. This time it's from the second book of Royal Blood, by Alejandro Jodorowsky (who's a renowned filmmaker).

A princess (at least I think it's a princess--I haven't read the book yet) is abducted from her bed, tied hand and foot, and hauled over the shoulder of a thug. And the damsel is barefoot, as well. The artwork is superb, and I want to read this just to find out what happens to her.

This came out in 2014, but there are still copies available. You can find some right here.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Babysitter With a Big Problem

Samantha takes her job as a babysitter very seriously--so much so that when she and her young charge are abducted for ransom, she's beside herself with worry. Until something interesting happens. Find out what that is right here.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Mermaid in trouble

Astrid Bergès-Frisbey stars in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (number four in the series) as a mermaid who's taken captive by evil pirates.

Her bondage is actually quite ingenious; she's left tied with her wrists above her head while seated in a shallow pond.

With her legs submerged in water, they revert to a fish tail. Her bound wrists keep her in the pool, which stops her from climbing out.

A suitor tries to rescue her, but she's quickly re-tied.

She's eventually rescued.

And before you think I'm getting all fishy on you, there is a barefoot bondage scene in this movie. It comes at the very end, with Jack Sparrow rowing Penélope Cruz's character, who sits with her hands tied behind her.

Unfortunately it's a very brief scene, lasting just seconds.

And, these shots are actually of Cruz's sister, who stepped in to play these scenes because Penélope Cruz was pregnant when she shot this movie.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Girl can't catch a break

From Southeast Asia comes this tale of a woman who gets abducted by two other women and is kept bound and gagged in a bedroom.

As with most clips from this region, the damsel goes barefoot throughout.

She struggles mightily, even at one point trying to cut herself loose by rubbing her bonds on a corner.

There are plenty of nice BF shots, as well. As if this wasn't enough, she gets attacked by what looks like a ghost.

There are two other damsels--but they're a bit more covered up than this red-shirted damsel is. This is Menembus Mata Batin The Series ANTV (Eps 176 01) and it was clipped by Florentina. You can download this clip right here.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Bettie's at it again

Bettie Page certainly has had her share of adventures, hasn't she? At least I assume this is Bettie Page. Sure looks like her. I found this picture in an old file and thought I should share it with you.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Doctor Sleep

I thought Doctor Sleep, the sequel to The Shining, was a fantastic book. And this movie version is being directed by Mike Flanagan, who did a great job with The Haunting of Hill House on Netflix. So yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing this one.

And seeing 'REDRUM' written like it was on screen gave me chills. It's also interesting how the sequel film seems to be leaning into more aspects from The Shining film, directed by Stanley Kubrick, which Stephen King famously hates. There are even clips from The Shining in the trailer. This trailer gave me a nice little Halloween chill in June.

Monday, June 17, 2019

He'd better pay

The heroine of my latest Poser picture finds herself being used as a bargaining chip by a gangster. Her boyfriend owes the gangster a lot of money, and if he doesn't pay up...well, find out what might happen if he doesn't pay at my Deviant Art Page right here.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Captain Marvel

I caught up with Captain Marvel, finally, and I really liked it very much. Brie Larson is perfectly cast as the titular hero, who winds up being one of the most powerful (if not THE most powerful) superheroes in the Marvel universe.

Her origin story is also told in a unique and imaginative way that wisely avoids the usual boring storyline that hinders many superhero films that first introduces the hero.

And, as if this wasn't enough for me, Captain Marvel even gets a barefoot bondage scene! It's the sequence that comes at around 18 minutes into the film, when she's been captured by the shape-shifters and is hung upside-down.

Even after she escapes her bondage, Captain Marvel has a running battle with the aliens aboard their ship, and she's barefoot throughout.

At one point, with her hands still trapped in metallic bonds, she uses her bare foot to open a door.

She eventually burns off the restraints on her hands (and also finds her boots). But not until after going through a rollicking BF scene that also included bondage. Bravo, Captain Marvel! I salute you for this scene, as well as being an highly entertaining movie overall.

Friday, June 14, 2019

It's time for Riptide

When I placed an old vidcap with my "Meeting Mr. Bones" post, someone asked me what it was from.

It's from a TV show back in the 1960s. It was called Riptide (not to be confused with the 1980s era TV show of the same name).

The woman in this episode (I don't know her name) was captured by the bad guys and kept in a shack on the beach. She was barefoot and clad in a bikini the whole time.

She even gets in on the fight (while still tied) when the heroes come to rescue her. You can watch episodes of this show on YouTube. But you can get the clip this is from right here.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Happy Superman Day!

Happy Superman Day! This started back in 2013, when Warner Brothers was drumming up interest in Superman ahead of the release of Man of Steel.

Long after the movie came and went, Superman Day remained, and I'm glad it did. Superman is my second favorite superhero (after Batman).

To celebrate Superman Day, I've made these caps from the Superman: The Animated Series episode Little Girl Lost, Part One.

They're from a joyful sequence showing Kara/Supergirl (voiced by Nicholle Tom) flying through the skies over Smallville.

The fact that she's barefoot throughout this scenes makes it really nice for me.

Of course Clark has to stop Kara and read her the riot act about flying over the farm during the daytime hours. Little Girl Lost, Parts 1 & 2, are highly recommended overall as being among the better Superman:TAS episodes (which is saying a lot, because that whole series was fantastic). Happy Superman Day!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Girls Next Door

These caps were taken from a reality TV show that aired many moons ago. It was called Girls Next Door, and I think it was about young actresses struggling to make it in Hollywood (or it could have been about Playboy Bunnies, I'm really not sure).

Anyway, on of the ladies gets a part in a horror movie, which requires her to be chained to a table in what looks like a mad scientist's lab.

These shots are actually from the behind the scenes of the movie (which is why you can see movie making equipment in the background)

I don't know what this movie was, but I wouldn't mind seeing this since the actress is trussed up barefoot. I must have taken these caps a long time ago, because I found them on an old DVD. Guess it really pays to back up stuff. :)

Monday, June 10, 2019

Meeting Mr. Bones

In my latest Poser picture, my crusading reporter goes snooping only to get captured by the minions of her arch enemy, Dr. Macabre. Helplessly trussed up and gagged, Anna is about to meet Mr. Bones. Find out why he's called that at my Deviant Art Page right here.