
Monday, April 29, 2019

No ghosts here

My magician's apprentice Annie sets out to prove that a place she's working in isn't really haunted. And like all good snoops, she winds up getting tied up for her efforts. Find out what happens in my latest Poser picture right here.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Avengers: Endgame

I saw Endgame, and it was fantastic. I'm posting this during the film's opening weekend, so I won't give away any spoilers with a more detailed review. But it was worth every penny of the ticket price and well worth all of the aggravation of going out to a (packed to the gills) theater.

What an amazing ending to eleven years of Marvel films! A job well-done by all involved.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

The latest Ryta book

The formatting process for the latest Ryta the Jungle Girl book is almost done. And I'm also just putting the finishing touches on the cover, as well. The new Ryta book--Ryta The Jungle Girl and the Deadly Stalkers--will be released on May 3, 2019.

You can get the first Ryta book right here.

You can get the most recent Ryta book, The Sentinels of Pasha Tem, right here.

I will keep you posted, as always.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Happy Alien Day

Happy Alien Day! This is the unofficial holiday for fans of the Alien film series (like me). It's derived from the designation of LV-426, the human colony that comes under attack by a horde of the critters in James Cameron's classic Aliens.

Here's a shot of Katherine Waterson taking it easy on what should be a national holiday (it's actually a shot of her from Alien: Covenant). When Fox was bought out by Disney, I feared that would be the end of the Alien film series, but I was heartened to hear Disney recently announce that they will continue making new Alien movies (under the Fox banner). So enjoy Alien Day, and stay away from any oversized eggs.

Thursday, April 25, 2019


Threshold was a TV series that aired during the 2005/2006 season that dealt with a team of scientists who deal with a potential alien invasion. It starred Carla Gugino (Gerald's Game) Brent Spiner (Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Peter Dinklage (who drinks and knows things on Game of Thrones).

In the fourth episode, The Burning, guest star Christie Lynn Smith gets abducted in her ground floor apartment by a guy who ties her up.

Once she's bound and gagged, the dude starts digging through the floor of her apartment.

Fortunately, she's rescued (along with her cute little dog) by our heroes. I was sorryt o see this series get canceled. Aside from having a very nice scene (one of my faves) it was pretty good oveall. You can get the clip right here.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


These shots are from an Australian movie called Adore, which stars Naomi Watts and Robin Wright as the mothers of sons who go away together on vacation. The women fall in love...with each other's son. (!!!)

It was a bit soap opera-ish for my taste, but the beach house locale in the film offered plenty of barefoot scenes with the ladies (as well as bikini and nudity scenes, as well).

Monday, April 22, 2019

Any port in a storm

After battling her way through a zombie apocalypse, Leslie finds safety in a bunker with other survivors. But there's a catch, Leslie must undergo an incubation period where she is bound and gagged--and Leslie doesn't mind doing this in the slightest. Find out why in my latest Poser picture, which you can see right here.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter with Lilly

Evangeline Lilly, who was recently seen in Antman and the Wasp, and also co-starred in the last two Hobbit films, is seen in these pictures wearing bunny ears.

These pictures were taken back when Lilly was still starring on Lost. She looks like she was either going to, or coming from, an Easter Day event.

Whether you're coming or going from an event yourself, I'd like to wish you and yours a very Happy Easter today.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

I want my Mummy

In series eight of Doctor Who, there's a really fun episode called Mummy on the Orient Express, where the Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and Clara (Jenna Coleman) go aboard the Orient Express, which has been rebuilt as a spaceship.

At night Clara retreats to her private room to call her boyfriend, and she's barefoot and dressed in her pajamas.

I love seeing scenes like this, where a character just lays back and chills out.

Clara puts on a robe and goes to the Doctor's room, where she knocks on his door, but he's not home. She's still BF.

When I first saw this episode, I was hoping that Clara would remain like this for the rest of the ep.

But my hopes were dashed, because when she realized the Doctor wasn't in (groan), Clara went back to her room and got dressed again.

But the character Maisie (Daisy Beaumont) winds up going barefoot through the better part of the episode. Aside from the BF aspect, Mummy on the Orient Express is one of the better Doctor Who episodes with Peter Capaldi.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Burden of Evil

Éléonore Lamothe plays the daughter of a senator who gets kidnapped by a psycho.

She spends her time in captivity just chilling out barefoot and in pajama pants with a casual top.

Of course she's also bound and gagged--she was kidnapped, after all.

Her father is played my Michael ("They sucked his brains out") Ironside, from Starship Troopers. This was clipped by M Johns. You can download this clip right here.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


I finally got around to seeing Aquaman, and I really liked it. When I heard that the DC Comics films were going to lighten up in tone, I was worried. I wondered if they would become too over-the-top silly. But at least with Aquaman, the lighter tone fits just right. And they still treat their menace with the appropriate amount of seriousness. It's not a complete laugh-riot, but an imaginative action/adventure with humor.

There's nothing in the film for us. No tie up scenes. Well, there was a little something for me. Nicole Kidman goes barefoot in this nice domestic scene (although it's marred by this weird de-aging CGI effect on their faces). But it's very brief. Overall, I enjoyed Aquaman very much, and look forward to diving into a sequel soon.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Stag is one of those movies about a bunch of guys who throw a stag party and who accidentally kill the stripper.

Taylor Dayne plays one of a pair of sisters who work as strippers for the party. It's her sister who gets killed. Taylor, still half-dressed in her stripper outfit, gets taped to a chair.

They sure use a lot of tape!

But that doesn't stop Taylor from trying to escape.

And she almost does escape.

But she's re-captured and tape-gagged the second time (she's tied up the second time with a sympathetic guy who tried to help her). The film itself wasn't very memorable, except for the fact that Taylor goes barefoot--and is bound--through the majority of its running time.

Monday, April 15, 2019

An unpleasant cruise

Clarissa claims to have seen a strange creature crawling aboard the sailboat that she's a passenger on, but nobody believes her. Thinking she's out of her mind with panic, Clarissa is left tied up on her bunk "for her own good." You can see my latest Poser picture right here.

I would also just like to say how saddened I am to see the legendary Notre Dame get ravaged by fire. So much history was lost today.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Bloody Mama

Pamela Dunlap stars as a doomed woman who meets the wrong guy (played by a young Robert DeNiro) while going swimming one day. She winds up a bound captive of the Barker gang.

The late great Shelly Winters plays the matriarch of the Barker clan, and I always liked the little inspection she gives Dunlap here, checking her bonds, while having a conversation with one of her boys.

Bloody Mama was directed by Roger Corman, the legendary B-movie producer.

Unfortunately Dunlap's character doesn't survive her encounter with the unruly Barker clan.

Friday, April 12, 2019

The new Star Wars trailer

This is the first teaser trailer for the new Star Wars film that will open in December of this year. Rey's back, and looking better than ever, as is Lando and...Palpatine?!? I'm more psyched to see this movie than I am to see Avengers: End Game (and I really want to see that, too). Looking forward to it.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

I've been abducted by Queen!

Alcatraz was a weird TV show about the prison located in San Fransisco Bay. It produced one scene--or, it actually produced three scenes featuring BF damsels within the same episode (titled "Web Porter").

A former inmate of the prison goes around taking women hostage in their own homes, tying them to their beds. One of them gets saved by the heroes.

As I watched this clip, I had this weird urge to listen to Queen music, and I quickly saw why. The former inmate is played by Rami Malek, who won an Oscar for playing Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of that group in a recent film. This also makes me want to watch the 1980 version of Flash Gordon, as well.

You can download the clip for this right here.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Ultimate Lego Batcave

A creative genius made the Batcave from Lego pieces. It stands six feet tell, has a rotating parking platform that displays the various Batmobilbes, and has a full-sized Batwing on display right behind the massive Batcomputer. Oh, and there's a completed Wayne Manor seated on top of all of this. This is just very cool; a superb job to all involved.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

A muffled Shazam

It looks like Shazam was a big hit at the box office this past weekend, and they've already announced that a Shazam 2 is on the way. I haven't seen this movie yet, but am looking forward to it.

I wonder if Mary Marvel (as seen in the strip above) will show up in the sequel? And, as long as I'm asking questions, why does the villain in the strip above look like W.C. Fields?

Monday, April 8, 2019

Super Spy Girl Caught

Caught by the bad guys while investigating what turns out to be a phony shell corporation that's run by a criminal mastermind, my spy girl finds herself bound hand and foot in the back room...but not for long. How does she escape? Find out in my latest Poser picture right here.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

I finally got to see Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse just a few hours ago (I caught it as a rental), and I really enjoyed it very much. It was the perfect blend of comic book seriousness and humor, with just the right dash of silliness ("Do animals talk in this dimension? Cause I don't wanna freak anyone out..."). Despite the comedy, the movie still managed to be an enthralling Spider-Man adventure.

My favorite Spidey villain is Doctor Octopus, and I loved this new interpretation that was used in this film. Doc Ock was a great menace (along with the Kingpin) here. I think it's safe to say that this is my favorite Spider-Man movie, next to Spider-Man 2 (which had Doc Ock as the main villain, natch). I hope we get to see more of this Spider-Verse, especially more of Gwen Stacey, who rocked really hard here--maybe Gwen can be in her own movie, perhaps? Huh? Please?.

Friday, April 5, 2019


Fractured is a scary movie about a couple who go to a cabin in the woods to have some fun.

Part of that fun is April Pearson's character getting hogtied on the bed in a consensual bondage game.

The problem is that the boyfriend trips and falls, knocking himself out and leaving April helplessly bound on the bed.

I haven't seen the entire movie yet, but this is a very good scene, with a great strict, barefoot hogtie that features a lot of struggling. You can download this clip right here.