
Friday, November 30, 2018

Tied in Thailand

From an unknown film that was made in Thailand, a damsel is left tied in a bedroom where she is picked up.

No, literally, she's picked up off the floor and carried over the shoulder of a guy, who bring her out to a bathroom with a scenic view.

It's a brief scene, and not in the best quality, but it's still pretty nice. You can download the clip right here.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Make mine Minos

In the episode Minos in the TV series Olympus,Sophia Lauchlin Hirt, who plays Ariadne, gets tied down to the bed.

She tries to get frisky with Hero, until he suggests a different way of getting it on through bondage.

Of course Hero just wants to keep her still and quiet so he can make his escape from the bad guys' camp.

To that end he gags her for good measure.

He doesn't get very far--not even out of her tent--before being re-captured. But at least we have this very nice scene from Olympus.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Incredibles 2

I recently was able to see The Incredibles 2, and enjoyed it very much. My initial feelings about this sequel (before I saw it) was that they waited too long in-between movies. Considering the plethora of superhero films we've had since the first Incredibles, a sequel would have an uphill battle in staying fresh and relevant.

But The Incredibles 2 is fantastic, picking up right after the original film ends and just soaring right onward with new villains and new challenges for this endearing family of Supers. It maintains the cool 1960s-era tone and design while still having something to say about the whole superhero genre, all while being a vastly entertaining and stylish ride on its own. Highly recommended.

Monday, November 26, 2018

An ambitious elf

My latest Poser picture shows a slave girl being brought into a city over the back of a horse while trussed up hand and foot. But while she may be a slave for now, this elf has some pretty ambitious plans for both her future, as well as that of her captors. Come see my fantasy-themed poser picture right here.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

The latest on Ryta

I know I said the latest Ryta book would be done by November, and here we are creeping up on the last week of the month with no book in sight. I'm almost at the end of the first draft of the latest Ryta book, and it's going extremely well.

The extra time went into re-working the new villains about midway through the writing. They got new names, and their base of operations also got a spiffy new name, as well. As a result, the new book is more epic than I had originally planned, and that's cool. When something like this happens during the writing of a book, you just got to go with the flow, as they say.

So the latest Ryta book will be ready in December of 2018. Think of it as an extra Christmas/Holiday present that you can get for yourself (or someone on your gift list). As always, I'll keep you posted on the latest developments right here.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Meeting the Scorpion

In Olympus, particularly in the episode Danger & Desire, our favorite heroine Oracle (Sonya Cassidy), finds herself tied to a bed in just her skivvies.

She's been captured by the always surly Ariadne, who decides to introduce Oracle to her favorite pet.

It's a very nice BF bondage scene, with Oracle trussed down to a comfy bed with a lot of exposed, sweaty skin.

Unfortunately the "pet" that Oracle is introduced to turns out to be a scorpion. Oh, that wacky Ariadne! What will she do next?

Remember, always avoid situations like this by carrying travelers' checks! Wait, I'm not sure if that's right....

Oooo, shiny!

Friday, November 23, 2018

Misfits are we

Imogen Doel is taken captive by her weird boyfriend and is tied to the bed in this British TV series. He leaves her gagged, allowing her to communicate with him only by using an electronic device.

The whole thing is played for laughs. Doel lures her boyfriend into having sex while she's still tied, where she almost strangles him...with her legs. You can download the clip right here.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Staying in bed in Olympus

In the episode called Blood Brothers, Oracle (Sonya Cassidy) finds herself in an interesting predicament.

She tried to join Hero (that's his name) on a quest that he was setting out for the previous night. But Hero, who didn't want Oracle harmed, ties her down to the bed for her own good.

She happens to be staying in the villain's camp, and they have some questions for her when they wake up the next day to find Oracle tied to the bed like this.

Oracle insists she has no idea what happened, that she just woke up and found herself tied to the bed (if only all damsels had this problem).

The exasperated general leaves Oracle alone with his daughter, Ariadne, who decides to give Oracle a hot oil leg massage.

Of all the methods of torture, this is the nicest one I can think of.

Yep, very nice....

And I would just like to take this moment to wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

I love this stuff

I love creative stuff like this. I'd spend hours just painting and setting these pieces up, never mind playing RPG with them. Having something set up like this in my home would actually help me to plot out Ryta the Jungle Girl books, because these little scenes look like some of the places she's visited (namely Storm-Haven & Kingsland).

Monday, November 19, 2018

Snooping is dangerous

Bad things happen when you go snooping around an old dark mansion at night. Don't believe me? Then check out the latest Poser picture I did on my DA page. You can see it right here.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Forty years ago today,

the Star Wars Holiday Special aired, scarring a young boy (namely me) who sat and watched the entire thing. The scene that permanently screwed with my head was an old Wookie who took time out from the Life Day proceedings to watch some porn (!!!).

Ah, memories....

This cartoon was really the best thing about that show. It featured the very first appearance of Boba Fett. Despite my childhood trauma, I do wish that the entire Star Wars Holiday Special would be released someday. I need that weirdness again in my life.

Friday, November 16, 2018

What we're made up of

There was once this series called Flesh and Bone that aired on Starz. In the episode called Boogie Dark, Emily Tyra starred as Mia, the roommate of one of the main characters. She gets a visit from Bryan, who's the brother of her roommate. They like each other a lot, and decide to make love right then and there.

Did I mention that Mia isn't wearing much to begin with? But things get dark when it's revealed that Bryan has a completely different idea of making love than what Mia wants.

And this is the result. She's not harmed, at least not physically. But it was still a harrowing experience for her. You can download the clip right here.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Mother luving snakes on a plane!

The movie Snakes on a Plane was a fun, if really silly flick about...well, snakes on a plane. A passenger airliner is swarming with them, but first we have this establishing shot of a hotel with barefoot people walking around it.

Once the snakes get loose on the plane they get busy. This snake tries to bite the bare foot of a female passenger.

Here's the wind-up, and the pitch....

But unfortunately (for the snake) she pulls her foot up at the last minute. Thankfully (for the passengers) Samuel L. Jackson is aboard the plane to deal with these motherf**king snakes.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

New Poser picture

Evil twins are just so...evil, you know? After tying up the good twin, they run off and cause all kinds of trouble. And who gets the blame? You got it, the good twin. My latest Poser picture, over on Deviant Art, shows another example of an evil twin crossing her decent sister (and tying her up to booth. You can see it right here. Hope you like it.

Monday, November 12, 2018

RIP Stan Lee

In the early 1960s Stan Lee revolutionized comics with his Marvel titles. Working with artists like Jack Kirby and Steven Ditko, we got Spider-Man, The Fantastic Four, The X-Men, the Avengers, and so much more. This eventually led to the present day Marvel Comic Movie Saga.

Stan "The Man" Lee died today at age 95. Rest in peace, sir. Excelsior!

Sunday, November 11, 2018

The stuff of Legends

In "I, Ava," a third season episode of Legends of Tomorrow, Maisie Richardson-Sellers gets tied to a chair by the good guys.

There's actually a very lengthy reason why she's dressed like this (and barefoot!) and tied to the chair, but it involves giving away a huge chunk of spoilers, which I'll refrain from doing.

Instead just enjoy these vidcaps of the very brief scene.

You gotta love a group of time-traveling superheroes who solve their problems by tying hot barefoot blondes to chairs.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Catching the Red Eye

Rachel McAdams (Game Night) stars in this thriller that was directed by the late great Wes Craven (Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream). She plays a passenger on an airplane who gets privately hijacked by Cillian Murphy.

While most of the action in the film takes place aboard a plane, the last fifteen minutes involves a knock-down-dragged-out fight between McAdams and Murphy in a house.

McAdams kicks off her shoes for this, and goes barefoot throughout this whole fight sequence.

Red Eye is an enjoyable movie overall, and a nice change of pace for horror-master Craven.

Catch it if you can.

Friday, November 9, 2018


Sydne Rome stars in this extremely weird movie where she's taken captive by Marcello Mastroianni. Miss Rome is barefoot and clad only in a pajama top that shows off her legs very nicely.

Mastroianni soon cuffs her wrists to her ankles, leaving Rome in a precarious position while still standing up.

I haven't seen the entire movie, and judging from just this clip, I'm not sure I want to. But it's a nice scene nonetheless. You can download the clip right here.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The Barefoot Sidekick

In The Court Jester, Glynis Johns stars alongside Danny Kaye (he's the Court Jester, natch) as a swashbuckling woman of action who fights most of the battles for him. Johns goes barefoot for the better part of the movie, and this kind person has collected most, if not all, of her BF scenes in this clip.

Monday, November 5, 2018

New Poser Picture

Halloween's done and the pressure to get a costume is over (great choice, BTW!) but now we've got Thanksgiving looming on the horizon! Gobble gobble.... Don't drive yourself crazy like the poor woman above, just relax and enjoy my latest Poser picture on Deviant Art. Come see the insanity right here. Hope you like it.