
Thursday, May 31, 2018

No relaxing in sweats today

This poor woman just wanted to relax at home by going barefoot and wearing her sweats, but some bad guys have other plans for her.

Yep, she's having a bad the back of a van to boot.

This is a great clip that's actually pretty exciting to watch, story-wise. You can download this clip right here.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Anna is back

My crusading reporter Anna is back, trying to get the dirt on the evil Dr. Macabre...but Dr. Macabre has gotten the drop on her! View the horrors for yourself right here.

Monday, May 28, 2018


Jennifer Lawrence (The Hunger Games) stars in this weird movie as Mother (yep, that's her name, just Mother).

The film is supposed to be a fairy tale based on the bible, but it's basically a nightmarish scenario of Lawrence trying to get rid of wild party guests who will not leave her house.

Lawrence's character is supposed to represent the Earth (I think), and the annoying party guests from hell are supposed to be humanity (I think).

At least Lawrence's character (Mother!) goes barefoot for the better part of the film's running time. I hope you're having a Happy Memorial Day, and please remember and honor those who gave their lives in the service of this country.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

First Order TIE Bomber

This is the sort of thing that brings out my Star Wars geekiness.

This digital artist noticed that the First Order didn't have any TIE Bombers, so he set out to design one himself. It's an interesting, updated take on the original TIE Bomber that was seen in The Empire Strikes Back. I like how well armed this new one is.

Since this is the release weekend for Solo (and no, I haven't seen it yet...darn it), I've got Star Wars on my mind lately.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Soko 5113

Michaela May stars as the wife of a detective in the German cop series SOKO 5113. Here she and her husband are surprised when a bad guy shows up at their summer house.

The bad guy ties up May in a hog tie. Since she's on vacation, she's barefoot and clad only in a summery dress.

The bad guy then gags her with tape.

It's a good, brief, straight to the point scene. You can download this right here.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

A Special Update from the news desk

I recently posted about a movie called The Chair. I've also recently found out that the link to that clip is no longer working. And it looks like I'll no longer be able to use the hosting site for any future stuff.

I changed the link so you can still get the clip (just go back to the post right here.), and I'll just keep using this new host from now on.

See ya, sis!

A young woman has finally decided to put the moves on a guy whom she really likes. The only problem is he's the boyfriend of her twin sister! But she figures that it's nothing some ropes and tape wouldn't fix. You can see what happens in my new Poser picture right here.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The screaming dead (are quite loud)

I came across this during one of my incessant hunts on YouTube. You heard of the Walking Dead? Well, here's The Screaming Dead. It's not much better than the Walking Dead (although the quality of TWD has dropped sharply these past few years), but the screaming version of the dead has a lot more barefoot bondage, so there's that.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Lost In Space 2018

I watched the new Lost In Space on Netflix recently, and enjoyed it very much. It was a great reboot of the classic series that retained the fun and excitement of the original while investing in some much needed gravitas. It's not as silly as the original; it takes its premise seriously, and I really liked that. I'm looking forward to the second season.

The soundtrack for this new series is also fantastic. You can hear it in the clip above. It's a bold, brash revival of the orchestral score that really helps to give the series the epic feel that it needs.

And, on top of all this good stuff, there's even a little bit of barefoot bondage in the show. In one episode, Selma Blair--of Hellboy 1 & 2 fame--is left bound and gagged by her sister. The problem is that the scene is very brief, lasting bare seconds. Trust me when I say that you're seeing far more in the vidcap above than you would in the scene itself. Maybe we'll get something better in season two.

Friday, May 18, 2018

The Chair

Lauren Roy gets tied to a chair...but it's not just any old chair. It's a nasty contraption that's designed to suck the air out of the person who's strapped into it.

Roy has a great struggling scene with this chair, knocking it (along with herself) right over on the floor and scrambling to escape before her captor--her own sister--returns.

And the really nice part about this (at least for me) is that Roy is barefoot throughout her scene.

Once she's freed, Roy captures and ties up her sister, played by Alanna Chisholm. Chisholm gets a nice barefoot bondage scene on a bed.

Chisholm, who's possessed, gives it the old collage try in terms of making an escape attempt.

She finally gets a neighbor kid to untie her, telling him that she had been playing a tie up game with her sister. You can watch/download half of this scene right here.

The clip is only of Chisholm's scene. I think this is because Roy's scene runs much longer and is harder to clip because of its length (and because it's also quite bloody). The name of the film is The Chair, and you really should see the whole movie, because--aside from having great bondage scenes--it's a very well done little horror film overall.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Blade Runner 2049

Carla Juri stars in Blade Runner 2049 as Dr. Ana Stelline, a woman who works in a sealed environment creating memories for replicants.

The reason she works in a sealed environment is because she suffers from a depleted immune system. K (Ryan Goslin) visits her to get some background for a case that he's working.

And, as we see in these vidcaps, Dr. Stelline works in her bare feet. I've already talked about how much I love Blade Runner: 2049 in a previous post, and the fact that it manages to give me a barefoot scene like this is just the icing on the cake.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Meeting cousin Freddy

A bikini-clad beach bunny takes the wrong route home and winds up meeting some drug dealers...along with cousin Freddy. You can see the fun that follows in my new Poser picture right here.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Raw Meat

Raw Meat is a short film about a woman who doesn't eat meat. She's abducted while on her way out of work. She's kept in a room while bound with chains, stripped to her underwear, and is forced to eat raw meat. There's an interesting twist.

Warning, this gets very gory. If you can't handle horror movie-gore, then you might want to skip this one.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Amores verdaderos

Susana Gonzalez stars in this clip from a Spanish soap opera where she agrees to meet her ex-husband at a mechanic shop so they can sort out their divorce. But the ex-husband has no intention of letting her go, instead kidnapping Gonzalez and tying her up on a cot.

She's later re-tied with her wrists between her ankles. Whenever she's not gagged she tries reasoning with the guy, to no avail.

It's a great, long scene, and she's barefoot through it all. You can see/download this scene (clipped by Raffish) right here.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Subject 317

An interesting, if surreal, short film about a young woman who wakes up to find that she's a test subject in an experiment. Seeing how she's also bound hand and foot, it's obvious that she didn't willingly volunteer for this gig. Her costume, as scant as it is, is made up of bandages--reminding me of the similar scant outfit briefly worn by Leeloo in The Fifth Element. As weird as it was, I still liked this one.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

New pic on DA

A heiress on a beach vacation still thinks she's on vacation when she's abducted for a ransom in my latest poser picture. You can see the "hilarity" right here.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Cleaning Lady

TCL_Trailer_v3_ from Jon Knautz on Vimeo.

This is an upcoming release called The Cleaning Lady, and judging from the trailer, there's a lot of scenes of interest in it. Of course, by "scenes of interest" I mean bondage scenes.

Would the tag line for this movie be: Beware the cleaning lady, for she really cleans up! Or how about this one: The Cleaning Lady; she'll remove the dirt and then she'll remove you!

I'm starting to see why I never got into advertising....

Monday, May 7, 2018

Hanging with the Avengers

There's a quiet moment in Captain America: Civil War when Wanda Maximoff (AKA the Scarlet Witch) is sitting in her room at Avengers headquarters, reflecting on a tragedy that had occurred.

In this scene, Wanda (played by Elisabeth Olsen) is barefoot. We don't actually see this detail until Vision (Paul Bettany) enters the room...right through the wall.

It's a nice, if brief, moment showing a superhero during her downtime.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Those Who Tape Up

Nicole Forester stars as the mother of a family who are in the clutches of a serial killer.

The serial killer is acting as if he's their husband and father, only he's got everybody tied up. He enters the bedroom, where Nicole is trussed up with tape, acting all normal--just like a regular family guy bedding down for the night. It's very creepy, but a great barefoot bondage scene.

This is from the series Those Who Kill, and it's the seventh episode, entitled "A Safe Place". The series was cancelled midway through its first season, although the full episode can still be found on iTunes and other places. You can view/download the scene right here.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Happy Fourth!

Happy Fourth of May to you. And what was I doing on this special day? Was I watching a Star Wars film? Reading a Star Wars book? Playing with my Star Wars action figures?

Actually, I started writing the latest Ryta the Jungle Girl book. Yes, I wrote the first thousand words today, and it was kinda messy, but the writing on the first day usually is a mess. The important thing is that I started it. The ice was broken, so to speak.

I had been wondering if I should write something other than a Ryta book, like I did last year, but there were several plot threads from the Dino Lords that I was eager to revisit. And I wanted to dive back into that world while the details were still fresh in my mind. I'm hoping to have this one done by the end of summer. I'll keep you up to date about it right here.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

She's not involved

She wanted to be involved in the sale of her painting, but he wanted to cut her out. I won't say how they resolved this issue, but will say only that ropes were involved. Come see my latest Poser picture right here.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Bad Neighbors

Bless the Lifetime Channel, for they came through once again with another one of their 'housewife goes snooping' thrillers that produced a very nice barefoot scene.

Ashley Bell is the damsel this time, a snoop who got in too far over her head and winds up tied to a chair by the bad guys--who turn out to be her neighbors! Guess there won't be another barbecue in the back yard this summer, huh?

After an intense encounter with a plastic bag, Ashley is rescued from her predicament. You can view/download the scene right here.