
Friday, June 30, 2017

Eco Warrior

An Eco-warrior gets the surprise of her life when she winds up at the wrong place at the wrong time in my latest Poser picture. You can see it right here.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Latest book news

I've just finished the first draft of the latest book today. It's an occult thriller about a female cop searching for her sister and nephew who both have been abducted by a cult.

While there's a lot more work to follow, the hard part--creating a book from thin air--is done. What's left is rewriting and editing until it's perfect. And then I start work on the cover. I already have an idea of what type of cover I want.

This latest book should be ready by late July, early August. Once this is published I'll get back to the realm of Ryta the Jungle Girl and her friends (and enemies). More book news right here when it hits.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The barefoot girl in the photo

Recently I've been seeing a link for a click-bait article that promises a photo gallery from Woodstock "that will make your skin crawl" (???). The photo that's being used in this link is above, and I was so fascinated by it that I did some research. And I discovered that the woman in the photo isn't from Woodstock. The photo wasn't even taken in the 1960s.

It's a picture of silent film actress Bessie Love, and while she looks she could be a hippie chick from the '60s (or a country girl from any era, really), the photo was actually taken in the 1920s. Love was never a really big star, but she kept acting steadily in silent films and eventually moved into acting in talkies, as well. You can read more about her life and career here.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Mona Lisa gagged?

Is this any way to treat one of the great icons of art? Mona Lisa normally looks like she doesn't have much to say to begin with, so this might be considered overkill. It's actually an ad created for a series that runs on the Travel Channel. Thought it was funny.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

It's really a fatal defense

Ashley Scott stars in this Lifetime movie as a woman who's roused from bed and tied to a chair by a masked intruder.

Of course, having just been sleeping, Scott is clad in her PJs and is barefoot. And since this is a Lifetime movie, she's makes out OK, too.

Ashley Scott is best known for the TV series Jericho and Birds of Prey, as well as for a very nice scene where she's clad in just bikini bottoms in the original Into The Blue. But I'll always fondly remember her for a brief walk-on part that she had as an android in Spielberg's A.I. ("Hey, Joe, what do you know?").

You can watch/download it right here.

Friday, June 23, 2017

A new picture on DA

Another snoop is caught snooping, in my latest Poser picture that's up on Deviant Art. You can see it right here.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

A rudderless Han Solo?

I just got word that the new Han Solo movie has just lost its director. Or, in this case, its directors--since Phil Lord and Chris Miller (who gave us The Lego Movie, and 21 Jump Street) were directing. There's still several weeks left of filming to do, and now they need to find a new director, and who will it be? For more details, here's a link to the story right here.

Between the production problems on Rogue One and now this, I get the feeling that directing a Star Wars film is not as fun as it looks.

However, I came across this really cool fan film (see above) dealing with a young Han Solo who is off on a solo (heh) adventure. The actor playing Solo is very good, as is Doug Jones (Abe from the Hellboy films) who plays the villain. Once again, a fan film revitalizes the sheer joy and fun of what Star Wars should be. Long may they continue to be made.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Holy guest stars, Batman!

Los Angeles recently honored the late Adam West (who played Batman in the 1960s TV series) by shining a Bat-Signal on one of their buildings. While watching this on YouTube I came across this clip.

It shows all fourteen cameos from famous people who appeared on the Batman series in "windows". Batman and Robin would normally scale the side of a building, and every so often somebody would peek out and speak to them.

While certain stars--like Jerry Lewis and Edward G. Robinson--are still well-known today, most of these people have pretty much become obscure. But one of the posters below the video was kind enough to present a list of who's who. It's a fun compilation.

The Wrong Student

Kennedy Tucker stars in this clip from The Wrong Student. I'm not sure is she's the wrong student, and if she is, then *why* is she the wrong student? But I don't really care, know...she's bound and gagged. :)

Did I mention that she was barefoot? And did I also mention that the woman who took her captive is also barefoot (just another little thing that I happen to enjoy)? Don't worry, this is a Lifetime movie, so she gets rescued in the nick of time. :)

You can watch/download it right here.

Friday, June 16, 2017

New pic at DA

There's a new picture over at my Deviant Art page, once again depicting the horrors of a vacation gone so terribly wrong. It's enough to make you want to spend your vacation at home--unless you're worried about home invasions. But enough of my babbling, you can see the new pic right here.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Alien Covenant

I managed to see Alien Covenant recently, and I enjoyed it very much. While it's not a masterpiece like the original Alien and Aliens were, it's still a very entertaining film that delivers the scares within a gripping story. I liked it so much that I was sorry to see it under perform at the box office. Director Ridley Scott wants to make more Alien films, and I hope he gets that chance. Maybe people will discover Alien Covenant on video.

Note: I just realized I misspelled 'covenant' in the title. It's been fixed. Damn these typos. :)

Monday, June 12, 2017

Star Wars Battlefront II

The latest trailer for the new Star Wars Battlefront is out, and it looks good. I like how you have the option to fight in all three SW eras--prequel, classic trilogy, and First Order era--as well as get to choose which side to fight on (Separatist/Old Republic, Rebel/Empire, Resistance/New Order).

The problem is I haven't played a video game in ages (remember Pitfall from Atari? Yeah, it's been THAT long for me), and while I'm tempted to get this, I'm afraid I might just play it and do nothing else.

I've got my own little universes to play in, like Ryta The Jungle Girl, and this new occult thriller that I'm presently writing (due to be released in time for this Halloween). But there's nothing wrong with taking some time off every now and then to play a game, right?

And the graphics look so good...uh, oh, I think I can hear my bank account start groaning in misery (again) right now. :)

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Lack of Grace

From the movie Grace (Awasarn Lok Suay) comes this long and very intense scene featuring two damsels. Grace is actually their captor, a psychopath who abducts them with her equally crazed boyfriend.

It's a very dark thriller from Thailand, and both damsels are barefoot throughout the lengthy scene (over 17 minutes). I believe this was clipped by Sam. You can watch/download it right here.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Adam West, RIP

Adam West as passed away. He's been in dozens of different roles, including Robinson Crusoe on Mars, and countless animated TV shows and movies. But he will always be my favorite Batman. Sure, his TV show was silly, but it was also loads of fun, and still is.

"To the Batcave, Robin!"

Friday, June 9, 2017

Lara's back

Lara is back, and she's captured by the bad guys once again. And this time, the bad guys give her a stern talking to! To see my latest Poser picture, just go right here.

Thursday, June 8, 2017


I had a chance recently to finally see Logan, which is reportedly the last time Hugh Jackman will be playing the X-Men character that made him famous. While I didn't see this in the theaters (I caught it as a video rental), I still enjoyed Logan a great deal.

With an aging Logan taking care of a feeble Professor X (Patrick Steward is also great in this), Logan is not your typical superhero movie, and it's all the better for it. Young Dafne Keen is superb as a mini-Logan, armed with her own claws and even the same ferocious disposition as Logan. A great, somber movie that's still filled with much hope.

Wow, with Wonder Woman, Guardians 2, and now this, 2017 is shaping up to be a fantastic year for superhero films. Now bring on Justice League and Thor Ragnarok!

Inside Number...what was it?

This scene is from the very end of The Harrowing episode of the series Inside No. 9, so spoilers! Actress Aimee-Ffion Edwards plays a house sitter who wakes up to find herself tied to a chair.

And just as something very nasty comes for her (*shutter*). This clip is from Sam, who cut out the more gross and grisly stuff. Try and catch the entire episode if you can, as it's very good (and creepy). You can watch/download it right here.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Wonder Woman is a wonder

I saw Wonder Woman this past weekend and loved it a great deal. It's a superb origin story that's in the same league as the 1978 Superman. It's a wondrous, epic adventure with plenty of heart and real emotion, especially at the end. This was one of these movies that I just wanted to go on and on. But since it had to end, I want to see it again soon. Bravo to director Patty Jenkins, Gail Godot and the rest of the cast and crew. I can't wait to get this one on Blu-Ray.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Janet Devlin takes on U2

I was all ready to post this when I learned of another terrorist attack in England just now (I've got the news burbling in the background as I write this).

I was tempted to scrap this post...until I realized that this video, with its lightness and joy, is just what we need right now. I hope you enjoy it.

Friday, June 2, 2017

New picture at DA

The above is an old photo that I did years back. But there's a new Poser picture that I've done over on my Deviant Art page. It's a female vampire about to enjoy a snack...with a topless, bound and gagged young lady being the snack! You can see it right here.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Some research for a new book

Doing some research on my latest book. Mainly, I wanted to see if a bulletproof vest could withstand a hit from a 12 gauge shotgun round. Turns out it can't.

In case you're wondering how this plays into the next Ryta book, I'm actually taking a break from the Ryta saga to write something different. I did this once before, with my science fiction book, A Daughter of Ryklon (which you can get right here).

This new book I'm writing, which I'm more than halfway through now, is an occult thriller about a female detective who goes searching for her sister and nephew when they are reported missing. She's surprised to find out that they been abducted by a cult, and this cult is surprised that the sister of one of their chosen victims is a cop who will not stop and who will not quit, no matter what.

As you can see, I'm researching to see whether a bulletproof vest can hold up to a 12 gauge shotgun blast, so there's going to be some exciting times in store! I'm planning on having this latest book done by the end of the summer, just in time for a Halloween release.

And don't worry, the adventures of Ryta shall continue with a new book that I hope to have ready by the end of the year.