
Monday, May 29, 2017

Getting Stashed in the Bedroom

This is from an Indian TV show, a scene where the plucky heroine gets trussed up hand and foot by another woman. It's short but sweet, with the focus on the damsel being bound and gagged by the female captor. She's barefoot, as is the case with most of these DID scenes from India.

You can watch/download it right here.

Hope you're having a happy Memorial Day weekend, and please keep those who gave their lives in combat in your thoughts.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Game of Thrones trailer

I have to admit, there was one moment in this trailer for the seventh season of Game of Thrones that gave me chills--and in a good way. It was the moment when Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) bends down and places her hand on the sandy beach. Was that the exact moment that the Mother of Dragons first made landfall on Westeros? Oh, this is going to be exciting!

As much as I hate to see GOT end (this upcoming season is the second to last one) I'm also eager to see how it all plays out, and from what I've seen so far, it looks spectacular.

Friday, May 26, 2017

New pic on DA page

I have a brand new Poser picture up on my Deviant Art page. It's another evil twin attack! Yes, you can witness the horror right here.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Happy Star Wars Day!

Today's May 25, which is not only the day that the original Star Wars was released, but this year, 2017, marks the fortieth anniversary of the release of this amazing film. I was completely caught off guard when I first saw this in the theater as a kid. I knew it was a science fiction film, and looked forward to seeing it because of that, but I was not prepared to be totally blown away like I was once I saw it. And I've been a rabid fan ever since.

I still wish Princess Leia was barefoot in the film, like she was in this poster. But that's just me. ;) Happy Star Wars Day, and may the force be with you, always.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Killing Killers

Christina Galbo stars in The Killer Must Kill, an Italian slasher film where she and her boyfriend come across a serial killer in his hideaway. After being sexually assaulted by the killer, he ties her up.

After her unconscious boyfriend is dumped next to her, Galbo gets the idea to grab a nearby knife and use it to free herself. The ghastly twist is that the knife is still sticking out of its last victim! Gah!

The bondage scene is very well done, as is the movie itself, which is a real thrill ride into some dark places. You can see/download the scene right here.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

RIP Roger Moore

RIP to Roger Moore, who did a damn fine job at keeping the James Bond series going during his run as 007. He still holds the record as having played the super spy the longest of any actor so far.

And I would just like to offer my sympathies to those affected by the Manchester bombing. I realize that what words I offer here isn't really much, but please know that I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2

I finally got a chance to see Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2, and I enjoyed it very much. The whole gang's back in a rousing adventure that also features Kurt Russell as a really cool character (don't want to give away who he is, though).

I also liked Mantis, but baby Groot really stole the show. He's adorable in how he's completely oblivious to the danger around him, as in the opening scene, where he's waving hello at Gamora (and I love how she says 'hi' back at him). A really fun film that neatly sets up a third movie. Bring on the third one; I can't wait to see it.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Spanish Soap

A clip from a Spanish soap showing a woman getting tied hands above her head to a pole in a barn. Barefoot, she's clad in a nightgown. Although her feet aren't tied, we get some 'foot reaching' scenes, as well as struggling overall.

The actress deserves kudos for her great performance here. She really sells the agony of being tied to a pole all night--so much so that it's hard to watch her go through this. Brava!

Friday, May 19, 2017

Another new picture on DA

A warm and loving couple settle in for a nice quiet night at home...with their kidnap victim. My latest Poser artwork is up on Deviant Art now. You can see it right here.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Star Trek Discovery trailer

Just the other day we had a trailer for The Orville, the Seth McFarlane Star Trek spoof, and now we've got a trailer for the real thing: an actual Star Trek show. I like what I see so far, but I'm not crazy about this taking place ten years before the Kirk era when the ships and tech here look much more advanced. Unless this takes place ten years before the JJ Abrams-produced Trek films? That would make sense, since the ships in the Kelvin timeline (the JJ Trek films) are more advanced.

Whatever, I'm eager to see Star Trek on TV again and it looks like it might be good. It's coming out in the fall. Engage!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

THe Hot Violinist Part 2

Hey, look who's back! It's the Hot Violinist (it's what she calls herself, honest!). Here, she and a friend perform the theme from Game Of Thrones. If she keeps making these videos where she goes shoeless, she may want to consider calling herself the Barefoot Violinist. ;)

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Orville Trailer

Seth McFarlane stars in this comedic take off of Star Trek. Being a huge Trek fan, as well as a fan of Galaxy Quest, I'm game for this. McFarlane is supposedly a huge Star Trek fan as well. The Orville will be on the Fox network this coming fall. Here's hoping they don't cancel it too soon like they did with Firefly.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Hanging onto the ledge

Liv Tyler, the daughter of lead singer Stephen Tyler of Aerosmith, is an actress who's best known from The Lord Of The Rings series. She also did a movie called The Ledge, where she plays a hotel worker who's taken hostage at the climax of the film.

Called to the room under the ruse of serving drinks, she's grabbed, stripped of her uniform (this happens off-screen) and winds up bound with rope to a chair with her chest facing the chair's back. Barefoot and clad only in black panties, she's ball gagged for good measure. Oh, and did I mention that the movie's not bad, either? A great scene, which you can see/download right here.

Friday, May 12, 2017

New picture on DA

A nice young couple go for a romantic walk on the beach, only to get a lot more excitement than they expected in my latest Poser picture--which can be seen right here.

And this was my second post in the same day! Man, am I getting rambunctious, or what? :)

Sunset Beach

I got this from a poster on Brian's Page. It's an old scene from the TV series Sunset Beach, but this is the first time I had ever seen it. A flight stewardess gets her uniform stolen by a woman, who ties her up in a closet.

The ropes are the loosest I've ever seen on a damsel, but at least she's barefoot. The scene is very brief, but if you're also into the "stealing clothes" sub-genre, then you might like this.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Blade Runner 2049

I first saw Blade Runner many years ago on a video format known as CED (Capacitance Electronic Discs). CED was basically an analog version of laser discs. At the time, in the mid eighties, CED was marketed as being one of the most advanced forms of home video. And then CED eventually went the way of the dodo bird and betamax video tapes.

But Blade Runner, despite being a bomb at the box office, endured (I now own it on a special edition DVD set) to the point where it's considered a cult classic (and I couldn't agree more). It was a frightening look at a very dark future where technology kept advancing by leaps and bounds, and brought us new problems, like replicants--artificial human beings, "more human than human," as Tyrell proudly states in the film.

The trailer above is for the BR sequel, which is something I'd never thought we'd get. But it's also something I'm looking forward to. The original Blade Runner took place in 2019, a time that's less than two years away from us, now. In many ways our society reflects BR, and in many ways it doesn't--that we don't follow this movie in real life is a part of its brilliance, for Blade Runner serves as a dire warning of what will happen if we ever lose our humanity.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Abducted in her pjs

A young woman is abducted from her bedroom by a group of thugs who carry her off and bind her hand and foot and gag her in a storeroom, where she struggles mightily.

Eventually a mob boss-type guy comes in to speak with her--and the conversation is pretty one-sided, because she's still gagged. A very nice scene. You can view/download this clip right here.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Dunkirk Trailer

Based on the real-life battle, with hundreds of thousands of allied lives at stake (and which wound up being a turning point in the Second World War), Dunkirk is the latest from director Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight Trilogy, Interstellar). Dunkirk was always a fascinating point in WW2 history, and I'm really eager to see this.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The new Ryta book is out now

I'm pleased to announce that the latest Ryta book, Ryta the Jungle Girl and the Siege of Storm-Haven, is now available to purchase on Amazon.

The long-threatened conflict finally boils over as the Gargoyles, now allied with the Amstrad, lay siege to Mother Midnight's stronghold of Storm-Haven. Ryta and her friends try to navigate these churning waters of war as best they can--but despite their best efforts to avoid the fray, they get caught up in it when they receive a strange request...from Mother Midnight.

The newest Ryta book is available right here.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Chinese scenes

I've found this one while browsing on YouTube. It features a collection of scenes within the same clip, all taken from a Chinese film. And all of the damsels are barefoot. But beware, there's a scene with a guy at the very end. Also another warning: this gets bloody here and there.