
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year

To ring out the last few hours of 2016, here's a very funny mock-trailer that imagines the past year as a horror movie. May you have a safe and happy New Year's celebration, and may your new year bring much joy and laughter.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Alien-inspired pic on DA

There's a new Alien movie coming out, directed by Ridley Scott, who directed the original Alien film back in 1979. The recently released trailer is above. It looks like it's going to be very good. I can't wait to see it (but I have to, it comes out in May, 2017).

Warning, this is a red band trailer, which means it's not safe for work, or for the kiddies.

An oncoming Alien film has inspired me to do a new Poser picture, with a woman waking up to find a nasty surprise in her stasis pod. You can see this picture right here.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Carrie Fisher, RIP

I just received the sad news that Carrie Fisher has left us. Being a massive Star Wars fan since I was a kid, her character, Princess Leia, has left an indelible impression on me.

But she was also known as a writer, and a very witty one at that. The link I provide above is from one year ago, when Carrie was doing press for The Force Awakens. She sits down for an interview here with GMA with her dog, Gary, and it's hysterically funny.

Rest in peace, Carrie.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Happy Holidays

Just in time for the holiday, Honoka & Azita have posted their rendition of Jingle Bells. They're based in Hawaii, which doesn't seem to get much by way of snow, so they don't get a white Christmas, but it's still all good.

Here's hoping you and yours have a wonderful Holiday season.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Bound barefoot BMW babe

I'm not sure if this is supposed to be a commercial for a car dealership, or what. It's a short but sweet video featuring a trussed up young barefoot woman in the backseat of a car who manages to escape her bonds and drive off in the same car. A poster on Brian's Page provided this link.

Whatever it's supposed to be, I like it.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Check out DA; there's a new pic

A creepy/weird monstrosity is on the loose in my latest Poser picture--and of course a poor damsel is at the center of attention. You can see it right here.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Marine 2

The Marine 2 is a halfway decent B-movie. It's an action film about a group of party-goers who have all been taken hostage by terrorists, and how the hero must rescue them (including his wife) all by himself.

During their lengthy time in captivity the female hostages lose their shoes and go barefoot, while having their hands tied in front of them. At one point, they have their hands bound behind their backs and are gagged. This fellow managed to clip all of these scenes from The Marine 2 into one video.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Rogue One

I saw Rogue One earlier today, and all I can say about it is WOW! It was more than just a great Star Wars movie, it was a great movie, period. Felicity Jones was superb as Jyn Erso (and for those of us who are into that sort of thing, she gets cuffed a lot in this!).

Jones was a part of an extraordinary cast that was great overall. Rogue One is a gripping, edge of your seat ride that leads up to one hell of a battle at the end. And Darth Vader! Oh, don't get me going about Vader! Just...WOW! Fantastic film. By all means, don't miss it.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

New pic over at DA

A castaway thinks she's rescued, only to have her hopes dashed in my latest Poser picture. You can find it right here.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Christopher Nolan, who gave us the best (IMHO) live-action Batman films, along with Inception, returns with Dunkirk. Dunkirk was the real life military operation at the start of World War II that evacuated several hundred thousand British troops who were surrounded in enemy territory.

Starring Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, James D'Arcy and Kenneth Branagh. I was already looking forward to this one, but this trailer, which dropped recently, really makes me want to see it.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Gypsy is coming to The Flash

Interesting news coming out of the superhero TV series The Flash: a new superhero will be added to the cast when the series comes back from its winter hiatus on January 24th. Her name is Gypsy, and she's actually been around since the 1980's, having been created in the comics by Gerry Conway and Chuck Patton. Armed with the ability to blend in with her surroundings, making herself invisible, Gypsy was a part of the Justice League: Detroit story line.

But what struck my fancy with the character was the fact that she was always barefoot. Gypsy was the only female character to go shoeless in the comics (I believe Marvel's She-Hulk also went barefoot, but not all of the time). Of course it would be nice if the actress who plays her on The Flash also went barefoot, but I'm not counting on it.

Still, whether Gypsy wears shoes or not, The Flash is an extremely fun TV show. It airs Tuesdays at 8:00 pm on the CW network. If you haven't already, check it out.

Friday, December 9, 2016

A new picture at DA

Servant girls suffer brutally under a harsh regime, until one of them finds a way out! It's the story line behind my latest Poser picture, which can be seen right here.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Walk the plank

Walk the plank! There are some scholars who say that pirates never actually made prisoners walk the plank over a shark-infested ocean. But despite that, the fantasy still prevails, and that's a good thing--especially if the person walking the plank looks like this.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Back in 1981, a movie called Tattoo was released with this very nice poster art. It starred Maud Adams as a woman who becomes the captive of a tattoo artist, played by Bruce Dern in full-on crazy mode. Dern seeks to tattoo Adams' entire body, whether she wanted it or not.

Thanks to that poster, I went to see the film, full expecting to see the beautiful Maud Adams (tastefully) naked and tied down while Dern worked on her. But to my chagrin, Adams was never tied at all (although she has a lot of nude scenes here). So while this poster may be false advertising, its design is very provocative, even to this day.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Der Fremde Gast

Barbara Rudnik is tied to a pipe at the bottom of a slowly filling pool in this German TV movie. The man who tied her there has a beef with her, and this is his revenge.

Meanwhile, Jasmin Schwiers, who plays the man's girlfriend, has been bound and gagged by him to prevent her from stopping him from carrying out his vengeance.

Unlike Rudnik, Schwiers's feet have been tied. A very nice scene with two barefoot damsels (with one having her feet tied) and what's even nicer is there's no grim ending. I didn't clip this, but you can get these scenes right here.

Friday, December 2, 2016

A new month, and a new Poser pic over at my Deviant Art page. This time a bikini-clad snoop gets caught while looking through the heavy weapons arsenal of an arms dealer. You can see this new picture right here.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Fantastic Beasts

I saw Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them over the holiday weekend, and enjoyed it very much. This is a prequel to the Harry Potter films, and portrays the wizarding world in America (New York City to be exact) as being just as richly vibrant and fun as the HP movies did.

But one thing that I really liked about Fantastic Beasts was how much more darker it was--maybe because it had an adult cast, I'm not sure, but it was a welcome touch. The cast were all superb; it was a real ensemble effort, and the visual effects were also a delight. I'm looking forward to seeing this again.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Yoda sings about them annoying seagulls in this musical parody of Star Wars. Been having a rough day (nothing too harsh, though) today and I really needed something silly like this just about now. So thank you very much, "Bad Lip Reading". I appreciated this!

Friday, November 25, 2016

New picture on Deviant Art

Another evil twin strikes in my latest Poser picture, which you can see right here. I've been so inspired that I've even started a new picture folder for Evil Twins.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Fumino Kimura stars in Siren, a Manga-based movie where she plays a detective who gets caught snooping. After getting conked on the head (with a golf club!) she wakes up to find herself tied to a chair.

She was fully dressed when caught, but winds up being stripped of her coat and shoes. Later, her captor, a woman, torments Kimura by re-tying her up in a silly cop uniform. I didn't clip this, but you can get these scenes right here.

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

The City of a Thousand Planets sounds like a place that Ryta the Jungle Girl should visit. But this is a trailer for a science fiction film that's coming out in summer, 2017. Directed by Luc Besson (whose Fifth Element was a lot of fun), this looks like it might be an enjoyable ride--the eye candy factor alone is off the charts. I'm looking forward to seeing this.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

An interesting Star Wars theory

I came across this video that talks about a new Star Wars fan theory regarding who Rey (well-played by Daisy Ridley in Star Wars: The Force Awakens) really is. Most people seem to think that she's Luke's daughter (as I did, too), but this theory suggests that she may be the granddaughter of the deposed Emperor.

He backs up his claims with film clips, and it's pretty interesting. We still have a year to wait for the eighth Star Wars film (although Rogue One is now under a month away! WOOT!), so what else are we Star Wars fans going to talk about in that time? :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Artwork for the new Ryta book

This is the original artwork, untouched by words, that I created in Poser for the latest Ryta book, Ryta the Jungle Girl and the Gargoyle Terror. The scene depicted in the artwork actually happens in the book, where Ryta is tied down in a death trap with a huge sword dangling over her. Will she escape? Of course she does!

You can also see this pic on DA right here.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

The new Ryta book is out!

Ryta, Lacey and their friends are busy searching for lost Atlantis tech deep in the wilds of the jungle. They're trying to find the advanced tech before Mother Midnight can get to it. But what they find instead is something far more terrifying.

The Gargoyles were a long forgotten race that many had assumed died out many centuries ago. But they had simply stayed hidden in their underground stronghold, waiting for the right time for them to rise once more and seize control of the world.

Ryta the Jungle Girl and the Gargoyle Terror is the latest Ryta book to be released. It's a brand new addition in the ongoing saga of her adventures in a lost world of dinosaurs, advanced technology, and magic. You can get your copy right here.

Friday, November 11, 2016

New pic on my Deviant Art Page

Tara and Jill, a pair of vacationers whom I've used in a previous picture, return in a new misadventure this time. These Poser girls just can't stay out of trouble. You can see this pic on DA right here.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The new cover for the new Ryta book

The formatting of the manuscript is done, and I've just finished the cover for the latest Ryta book, which is now called Ryta the Jungle Girl and the Gargoyle Terror. Imagine my terror when I realized, early on, that I misspelled 'gargoyle'! (I fixed it) I may still do some tweaking with the artwork, we'll see.

But, overall, we're getting very close to publishing this sucker. As always, stay tuned here for more details.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Under the Dome

Britt Robertson stars as a young woman who has been abducted by a psycho and kept chained to a bed in what looks like a bomb shelter. Did I mention that her entire hometown has been sealed under a large dome? She's really having some bad luck today, but thankfully, she fights back however and whenever she can. She's also barefoot throughout this sequence.

Britt Robertson would later go on to star with George Clooney in Tomorrowland. This was an entertaining movie where Robertson gives an endearing performance.

Note: There's a sound issue that kicks in around the five minute mark, as in there's no sound whatsoever from that point on. But seeing how this clip is seven minutes long, at least the majority of it still has sound.

Friday, November 4, 2016

New pic over on Deviant Art

Halloween is over, so no more scary pics, at least for now. This isn't to say that scary pics will only be posted during October/Halloween, I'm just taking a break from them for the time being.

This new picture finds a bound captive who just will not give up (my favorite). You can see this pic on DA right here.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

The new Wonder Woman trailer

They already had my money when they released the first trailer back during the summer, but this new trailer really makes me want to see the new Wonder Woman film right now! This is looking very good. Gail Godot already crushed it with her small role in Batman V. Superman. I can't wait to see her Wonder Woman take flight in her own film.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Hoshino, a Star Wars Fan film

Another Star Wars fan film that's very well done. Not only does the main character comes across as being a real person (some great acting here) but the short film overall is shot gorgeously. Bravo.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The new Ryta book

The new Ryta the Jungle Girl book, Ryta The Jungle Girl and the Gargoyles, is finished, writing wise. I've begun the formatting process, which is where I convert the Word manuscript into a document that's readable for the Kindle. I'll also be starting work on the cover shortly.

My guess is that it will be another week, maybe two, before the book is ready for sale. It's very close, now. I'll keep you updated.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy All Hallows Eve

May you have a happy and safe Halloween today. After trick or treating, be sure to watch your favorite scary movie when it gets dark later.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

John Zacherle, RIP

Some bad news this Halloween weekend: TV horror host Zacharley The Cool Ghoul, played by John Zacherle, has passed away at the ripe old age of 98. It was still way too soon, because Halloween just won't be the same without The Cool Ghoul.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Another Halloween picture on DA

Thing from the Addams Family has stopped by to help me tell you that the final scary Poser pic of Halloween 2016 is now up over on DA. You can see this pic on DA right here.


Not the James Bond film, but the TV movie that was shot back in the 1970s. It was a pilot for a possible series that was created by Gene Roddenberry, who gave us some little TV show called Star Trek. Robert Culp and Gig Young play investigators of the occult who encounter some wild goings-on at a mansion in England.

From a woman hanging upside down against a wall, to a full-fledged sacrificial ceremony with another woman as the chosen victim, it doesn't get any more wild and woolly than this. Both bound women are barefoot, as well.

I didn't clip this, but you can get these scenes right here.

Also, while Spectre isn't out on home video (and I wish it was--it would be great to watch around Halloween), you can see the entire film right here:

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Firing a rifle (with hands tied)

Pro shooter Kirsten Joy Weiss shows how she can fire a rifle with her hands tied together (granted, they're tied in front; it would be interesting to see her try this with hands tied behind).

Bear in mind that Weiss is a professional. So please don't try this at home. :)

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Premature Burial

Abducted straight from her bedroom by Ray Milland, Hazel Court is taken to an open grave, where she's tied hand and foot before being thrown into the coffin. The fact that she's still very much alive doesn't seem to bother Ray in the slightest.

This clip from the 1962 horror film, which satisfies both the Halloween mood as well as a fond fetish for barefoot female bondage, is from an excellent film called Premature Burial, which is well worth your time.

I didn't clip this, but you can get the clip right here.

Friday, October 21, 2016

More creepy stuff on DA

We're more than midway through October, and that means it's time for another Halloween-themed Poser picture on DA. A young woman looking for a good scare at an inn gets more than she bargains for in this new picture. You can see this pic on DA right here.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

They're back....

The very first trailer for the Guardians of the Galaxy sequel has been released, and it's more of a teaser. But that's OK, I'll take what I can get. I'm looking forward to seeing this wacky bunch again.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Update on the new Ryta book

I finished the first draft of the latest Ryta the Jungle Girl book--book number nine--and have already started on the second draft. The latest Ryta adventure is going very well, introducing a new menace to our favorite jungle queen and her friends. I plan to have this ready for publication next month, in November. Once the new book is ready, I'll let you know.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Drac's back

None other than Dracula himself pays a visit to my Deviant Art page. But it's not all fun and games, at least not for a certain trussed up young woman. You can see this new pic on DA right here.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story -- last trailer

I believe this is the final trailer for Rogue One, but it doesn't matter, because they already have my money. I'm definitely going to see this. And if there was any doubt that Darth Vader was in this movie, it's gone now!

This film looks just as epic as a regular Star Wars movie. I can't wait!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

We got kidnapped!

This is a short video about two women being kidnapped and tied to chairs. But it's more funny than anything else as the two "victims" wind up driving their captor crazy with their constant questions and antics. It's fun.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Star Wars: The Old Republic

This is a trailer for an upcoming Star Wars video game, but it feels more like a full-fledged movie! I'd gladly watch this if it were a movie. As Darth Vader might say, "Impressive."

Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Terminator Genisys scenes

Back over a year ago, I mentioned that I saw Terminator: Genisys in the theater and that there were two scenes with Emilia Clarke. Clarke, who normally plays Daenerys Targaryen on Game of Thrones, plays Sarah Connor in Terminator, the mother of the Resistance. Here are some caps from the scenes.

In this scene, she's been captured by the police after traveling through time with John Connor (played here by Jai Courtney). Since you have to travel through time nude (at least in the Terminator films) Sarah and John are given hospital clothes to wear.

At first they are handcuffed with their wrists behind their backs, and you can clearly see that Sarah is barefoot throughout this scene. After staging a fight, Sarah and John are each cuffed with one wrists to the edge of their beds. But being cuffed this way enables them to escape.

Later, Sarah is cuffed with her wrists to a table in a police interrogation room, fully dressed this time. She's freed by another character. I don't know if anybody has done clips of this yet.

Friday, October 7, 2016

More Hallloween Horror on DA

More Halloween terror is served up over on my Deviant Art page. You can see this new pic on DA right here.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The real story of Halloween

Are you in the Halloween mood, yet? If not, then maybe this documentary about the history of my favorite holiday might help.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

A video clip repost

I received a request to repost this video, dealing with a woman trussed up with tape (and completely naked) who's trying to escape her captor.

There's even a nice scene with her grabbing a glass with her bound bare feet. It has something for everybody, this scene. you can get the clip right here.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

The horror begins on DA

It's October! Just thirty days until Halloween, so that means we put up the Halloween pictures on Deviant Art. The first one is my tribute to the movie The Ring (with a tied and gagged flair, of course). You can see this new pic on DA right here.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Angry Housewives Vs. the Hot Babes

In this clip from M Johns, a group of housewives, jealous at another group of hot babes, decide to show the hot babes what's what. The housewives abduct the hot babes from their beds, ensuring that the babes would be wearing as scant clothing as possible.

The bound and gagged hot babes are placed in a barn. But they soon make their escape, and woe be to the Angry Housewives, for the Hot Babes shall seek their revenge! (At least I think they get revenge; I've never seen this past this scene). As I mentioned this was clipped by M Johns, but you can get the clip right here.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Supergirl sneak peek (with John Williams music)

The CW has released a sneak peek of the first two minutes of the second season premiere of Supergirl. But someone has taken this clip, removed the music, and added John Williams' classic score from Superman. The result is! Watching this made me feel like a kid in the movie theater watching Chris Reeve's Superman once again.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Meeting the pet (on DA)

Now that we're in Autumn, and moving slowly but surely towards Halloween, my Poser pictures will start taking a darker and creepier turn, starting with the latest picture, that shows a couple getting up close and personal with an alligator. You can see this new pic on DA right here.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Happy Birthday Stephen King

Today is Stephen King's birthday. Happy Birthday, Steve! The very first Stephen King novel I read was back when I was a kid. It was The Shining. I remember being amazed at just how scary it was, and the book opened my eyes to the power of good writing.

I've posted an interview session between King and George R.R. Martin, the creator behind Game Of Thrones. It's pretty informative, entertaining, and funny. Enjoy.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Happy Birthday Adam West

I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to Adam West, who turns 88 years old today. His 1966 Batman series was my very first exposure to the Caped Crusader back when I was an impressionable little spud. And it remains one of my favorite versions of Batman to this day.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

In over her head (on DA)

A young woman signs up to be a magician's assistant only to find out she's in over her head once the ropes come out. You can see this new pic on DA right here.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Beware the moon!

A typhoon in China has blown a giant moon balloon loose, where it terrorized the public (well, more like made them laugh, actually).

Just a few days ago we observed the anniversary of the moon breaking away from earth on Space 1999, and now this happens! Coincidence? I think not!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Speaking of Space 1999....

In the first season episode "The Full Circle" (number 15) the crew of moon base Alpha encounter a tribe of cave people on a planet. Sandra (Zienia Merton) gets captured by them and is brought back tied to a log.

When she's brought to their cave dwelling, Sandra's tied in a spread-eagle position to a wooden frame. Did I mention that she's barefoot and clad in a nice little cave woman ensemble? It's a good scene, one that she's eventually rescued from. I don't have a clip of this, but am hoping somebody out there might produce one.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Happy Moon Leaving Earth Day!

On September 13, 1999, the moon, along with moon base Alpha, was knocked out of Earth's orbit and into deep space, never to be seen again.

Well, actually, you could watch the TV series Space: 1999 to see what happened after the moon went sailing off into the great void. Just saying.

Happy Moon Breakaway Day!

Monday, September 12, 2016

I am writing!

I'm just over two thirds of the way through the newest Ryta book (it's number nine! Can you believe that?!), and it's going very well. I have some new villains in store, as well as some thrills and chills and the usual fun stuff. I'm looking to have this one done and published by October.

And if you're wondering what a song from the Corrs is doing up there, that's who I've been listening to while writing lately. I enjoyed writing to the soundtrack music of Conan the Barbarian and Mad Max Fury Road, but sometimes I like to change up the music. Surprisingly, a song like this works very well for certain moments of Ryta.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Lara's back on DA

Lara is back in trouble again on my Deviant Art page in a new Poser picture that I did. You can see this right here.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Star Trek's 50th anniversary

While it wasn't the very first episode of Star Trek, The Man Trap was the first episode that began the legendary journey of the U.S.S. Enterprise and her crew on this day, September 8, in 1966.

Fifty years later, Star Trek is still with us, and just as vital as ever. All this time, the series has kept pointing the way forward, always promising us a bright future ahead--we just had to believe in it.

Happy 50th Anniversary, Star Trek. May you continue to boldly go.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Spanish soap

A young woman is abducted outside her home with chloroform. When she wakes up, she's trussed hand and (bare)foot on a bed and gagged.

But she winds up being a nicely feisty woman who fights back, kicking and screaming (literally!) any way she can.

I didn't clip this one, but you can get it right here.