
Monday, November 28, 2016

Yoda sings about them annoying seagulls in this musical parody of Star Wars. Been having a rough day (nothing too harsh, though) today and I really needed something silly like this just about now. So thank you very much, "Bad Lip Reading". I appreciated this!

Friday, November 25, 2016

New picture on Deviant Art

Another evil twin strikes in my latest Poser picture, which you can see right here. I've been so inspired that I've even started a new picture folder for Evil Twins.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Fumino Kimura stars in Siren, a Manga-based movie where she plays a detective who gets caught snooping. After getting conked on the head (with a golf club!) she wakes up to find herself tied to a chair.

She was fully dressed when caught, but winds up being stripped of her coat and shoes. Later, her captor, a woman, torments Kimura by re-tying her up in a silly cop uniform. I didn't clip this, but you can get these scenes right here.

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

The City of a Thousand Planets sounds like a place that Ryta the Jungle Girl should visit. But this is a trailer for a science fiction film that's coming out in summer, 2017. Directed by Luc Besson (whose Fifth Element was a lot of fun), this looks like it might be an enjoyable ride--the eye candy factor alone is off the charts. I'm looking forward to seeing this.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

An interesting Star Wars theory

I came across this video that talks about a new Star Wars fan theory regarding who Rey (well-played by Daisy Ridley in Star Wars: The Force Awakens) really is. Most people seem to think that she's Luke's daughter (as I did, too), but this theory suggests that she may be the granddaughter of the deposed Emperor.

He backs up his claims with film clips, and it's pretty interesting. We still have a year to wait for the eighth Star Wars film (although Rogue One is now under a month away! WOOT!), so what else are we Star Wars fans going to talk about in that time? :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Artwork for the new Ryta book

This is the original artwork, untouched by words, that I created in Poser for the latest Ryta book, Ryta the Jungle Girl and the Gargoyle Terror. The scene depicted in the artwork actually happens in the book, where Ryta is tied down in a death trap with a huge sword dangling over her. Will she escape? Of course she does!

You can also see this pic on DA right here.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

The new Ryta book is out!

Ryta, Lacey and their friends are busy searching for lost Atlantis tech deep in the wilds of the jungle. They're trying to find the advanced tech before Mother Midnight can get to it. But what they find instead is something far more terrifying.

The Gargoyles were a long forgotten race that many had assumed died out many centuries ago. But they had simply stayed hidden in their underground stronghold, waiting for the right time for them to rise once more and seize control of the world.

Ryta the Jungle Girl and the Gargoyle Terror is the latest Ryta book to be released. It's a brand new addition in the ongoing saga of her adventures in a lost world of dinosaurs, advanced technology, and magic. You can get your copy right here.

Friday, November 11, 2016

New pic on my Deviant Art Page

Tara and Jill, a pair of vacationers whom I've used in a previous picture, return in a new misadventure this time. These Poser girls just can't stay out of trouble. You can see this pic on DA right here.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The new cover for the new Ryta book

The formatting of the manuscript is done, and I've just finished the cover for the latest Ryta book, which is now called Ryta the Jungle Girl and the Gargoyle Terror. Imagine my terror when I realized, early on, that I misspelled 'gargoyle'! (I fixed it) I may still do some tweaking with the artwork, we'll see.

But, overall, we're getting very close to publishing this sucker. As always, stay tuned here for more details.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Under the Dome

Britt Robertson stars as a young woman who has been abducted by a psycho and kept chained to a bed in what looks like a bomb shelter. Did I mention that her entire hometown has been sealed under a large dome? She's really having some bad luck today, but thankfully, she fights back however and whenever she can. She's also barefoot throughout this sequence.

Britt Robertson would later go on to star with George Clooney in Tomorrowland. This was an entertaining movie where Robertson gives an endearing performance.

Note: There's a sound issue that kicks in around the five minute mark, as in there's no sound whatsoever from that point on. But seeing how this clip is seven minutes long, at least the majority of it still has sound.

Friday, November 4, 2016

New pic over on Deviant Art

Halloween is over, so no more scary pics, at least for now. This isn't to say that scary pics will only be posted during October/Halloween, I'm just taking a break from them for the time being.

This new picture finds a bound captive who just will not give up (my favorite). You can see this pic on DA right here.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

The new Wonder Woman trailer

They already had my money when they released the first trailer back during the summer, but this new trailer really makes me want to see the new Wonder Woman film right now! This is looking very good. Gail Godot already crushed it with her small role in Batman V. Superman. I can't wait to see her Wonder Woman take flight in her own film.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Hoshino, a Star Wars Fan film

Another Star Wars fan film that's very well done. Not only does the main character comes across as being a real person (some great acting here) but the short film overall is shot gorgeously. Bravo.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The new Ryta book

The new Ryta the Jungle Girl book, Ryta The Jungle Girl and the Gargoyles, is finished, writing wise. I've begun the formatting process, which is where I convert the Word manuscript into a document that's readable for the Kindle. I'll also be starting work on the cover shortly.

My guess is that it will be another week, maybe two, before the book is ready for sale. It's very close, now. I'll keep you updated.