
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Angry Housewives Vs. the Hot Babes

In this clip from M Johns, a group of housewives, jealous at another group of hot babes, decide to show the hot babes what's what. The housewives abduct the hot babes from their beds, ensuring that the babes would be wearing as scant clothing as possible.

The bound and gagged hot babes are placed in a barn. But they soon make their escape, and woe be to the Angry Housewives, for the Hot Babes shall seek their revenge! (At least I think they get revenge; I've never seen this past this scene). As I mentioned this was clipped by M Johns, but you can get the clip right here.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Supergirl sneak peek (with John Williams music)

The CW has released a sneak peek of the first two minutes of the second season premiere of Supergirl. But someone has taken this clip, removed the music, and added John Williams' classic score from Superman. The result is! Watching this made me feel like a kid in the movie theater watching Chris Reeve's Superman once again.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Meeting the pet (on DA)

Now that we're in Autumn, and moving slowly but surely towards Halloween, my Poser pictures will start taking a darker and creepier turn, starting with the latest picture, that shows a couple getting up close and personal with an alligator. You can see this new pic on DA right here.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Happy Birthday Stephen King

Today is Stephen King's birthday. Happy Birthday, Steve! The very first Stephen King novel I read was back when I was a kid. It was The Shining. I remember being amazed at just how scary it was, and the book opened my eyes to the power of good writing.

I've posted an interview session between King and George R.R. Martin, the creator behind Game Of Thrones. It's pretty informative, entertaining, and funny. Enjoy.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Happy Birthday Adam West

I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to Adam West, who turns 88 years old today. His 1966 Batman series was my very first exposure to the Caped Crusader back when I was an impressionable little spud. And it remains one of my favorite versions of Batman to this day.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

In over her head (on DA)

A young woman signs up to be a magician's assistant only to find out she's in over her head once the ropes come out. You can see this new pic on DA right here.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Beware the moon!

A typhoon in China has blown a giant moon balloon loose, where it terrorized the public (well, more like made them laugh, actually).

Just a few days ago we observed the anniversary of the moon breaking away from earth on Space 1999, and now this happens! Coincidence? I think not!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Speaking of Space 1999....

In the first season episode "The Full Circle" (number 15) the crew of moon base Alpha encounter a tribe of cave people on a planet. Sandra (Zienia Merton) gets captured by them and is brought back tied to a log.

When she's brought to their cave dwelling, Sandra's tied in a spread-eagle position to a wooden frame. Did I mention that she's barefoot and clad in a nice little cave woman ensemble? It's a good scene, one that she's eventually rescued from. I don't have a clip of this, but am hoping somebody out there might produce one.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Happy Moon Leaving Earth Day!

On September 13, 1999, the moon, along with moon base Alpha, was knocked out of Earth's orbit and into deep space, never to be seen again.

Well, actually, you could watch the TV series Space: 1999 to see what happened after the moon went sailing off into the great void. Just saying.

Happy Moon Breakaway Day!

Monday, September 12, 2016

I am writing!

I'm just over two thirds of the way through the newest Ryta book (it's number nine! Can you believe that?!), and it's going very well. I have some new villains in store, as well as some thrills and chills and the usual fun stuff. I'm looking to have this one done and published by October.

And if you're wondering what a song from the Corrs is doing up there, that's who I've been listening to while writing lately. I enjoyed writing to the soundtrack music of Conan the Barbarian and Mad Max Fury Road, but sometimes I like to change up the music. Surprisingly, a song like this works very well for certain moments of Ryta.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Lara's back on DA

Lara is back in trouble again on my Deviant Art page in a new Poser picture that I did. You can see this right here.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Star Trek's 50th anniversary

While it wasn't the very first episode of Star Trek, The Man Trap was the first episode that began the legendary journey of the U.S.S. Enterprise and her crew on this day, September 8, in 1966.

Fifty years later, Star Trek is still with us, and just as vital as ever. All this time, the series has kept pointing the way forward, always promising us a bright future ahead--we just had to believe in it.

Happy 50th Anniversary, Star Trek. May you continue to boldly go.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Spanish soap

A young woman is abducted outside her home with chloroform. When she wakes up, she's trussed hand and (bare)foot on a bed and gagged.

But she winds up being a nicely feisty woman who fights back, kicking and screaming (literally!) any way she can.

I didn't clip this one, but you can get it right here.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Star Wars Flash Mob

When I first heard of the term "flash mob" I thought it was an army of flashers (people exposing themselves) running wild through the streets. But nowadays I know better, and I've also learned that a flash mob isn't just a group of dancers.

This Star Wars flash mob took over a beach down under in Australia (with some added special effects) and the result is pure fun. What better way to observe the Labor Day Weekend, the unofficial last few days of summer, than with a group of beach-loving Star Wars fans.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Star Wars fan film

Kylo Ren, the villain of SW: The Force Awakens, travels to the forest moon of Endor several months before the events of the latest SW film to retrieve a very special item from a grave site. Hint: it has something to do with his dear old granddad.

An entertaining short film. It's always great to see the fans flex their creative muscles like this.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Two for one on DA

Two women on the beach decide to take a detour, only to wind up in trouble in my latest Poser artwork. You can see this right here.