
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Gene Wilder

I was saddened to hear of the death of Gene Wilder yesterday. He was great in the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, as well as Blazing Saddles, The Producers, Stir Crazy, and Silver Streak.

But my favorite Wilder movie remains Young Frankenstein. He co-wrote the screenplay and starred in the title part. There are plenty of hilariously funny moments in this film, such as where enjoying dessert leads to an amazing discovery ("You made a yummy sound....") in the lab.

Rest in peace, Gene.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Snatch Wars

Someone removed Vader's voice from Star Wars and replaced it with that of Brick, from Snatch. Not only is it very funny, but it also works very well! Warning, there's foul language galore.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Space cadets in trouble on DA

A pair of female officers from the USS Repulse find themselves strung upside-down (and with no pants) by a robot in the latest episode of Star Trek (if I were running the show, that is).

As always, you can view the weirdness right here.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

A new movie to watch for: I.T.

Anna Friel and Stefanie Scott play the wife and daughter of Pierce Brosnan in the upcoming thriller I.T. As you can see in these pictures from the film, both women run into a lot of trouble. The first picture shows Scott having been captured.

The second picture shows Friel in the background with Stefanie Scott, playing her daughter, in the foreground. This one looks like it will be a keeper. It comes out next month, September 23, in theaters and VOD. Here's a link to the IMDB page.

Star Trek Beyond

I saw Star Trek Beyond Over the weekend and enjoyed it very much. I thought it was much better than Into Darkness, which was a mess, story wise. STB was more leaner, more streamlined, and a lot of fun.

There's also a very brief bondage scene that involves two crew members from the USS Enterprise. They're not part of the main cast, but more like what you would call a pair of hapless red-shirts. They're a man and a woman who are hung upside-down, bound and gagged, and also tortured (which I hate; I'm not a fan of torture).

Still, even without this scene, Star Trek Beyond was very entertaining. My favorite new character is Jaylah (seen above), who's played by Sofia Boutella. I'm looking forward to getting this when it hits home video.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Too much sightseeing

I've managed to make a new batch of Poser pictures, and am in the process of putting them up on Deviant Art. The first one shows the results of a guy frantically tracking down his missing girlfriend, who left him on the beach to go sightseeing. But instead she wound up the bound victim of a cult! Eek!

As always, you can view the horror right here.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Living Idol

Liliane Montevecchio gets tied to an X-shaped cross in the hot sweaty jungle while people behind her walk do an eye-catching number with lit torches. Why's this happening? Who knows, but Miss Montevecchio is also very eye-catching in her scant outfit.

This image was also used for the novelization of the movie. To get the torch-lit dance number, along with its fetchingly trussed up centerpiece, just go right here.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Prison: a short film

This short, abstract film manages to convey the message that we are imprisoned by our own fears and desires. At least that was my take on it. What do you think?

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Evil twin on DA

Somebody made a request for an 'evil twin' picture on Deviant Art, and that was exactly what they got. You can view the evil twin horror right here.

Friday, August 12, 2016

The new Rogue One trailer

The new trailer for Rogue One has dropped. And all I can say is Oh, hell yeah! I want to see this sucker right NOW! Damn, this looks great. How long is it till December?

Monday, August 8, 2016

New art on DA

A pair of gymnasts are abducted right before the big event in my latest Poser picture that's up on Deviant Art. You can see them right here.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Glass walkway in China

Over four thousand feet off the ground, you can walk around the side of a mountain on a glass walkway. That's an all-glass walkway, including the floor! As you walk along the edge of the rock cliff, you can peer straight down at the almost five thousand foot drop just beneath your feet!

Oh, hell no!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Cocapop bondage scene

A couple get tied up in their own home in this Italian thriller. There are even some nice shots of the woman getting tied up.

Clipped by florentina, this is a long scene, about eight minutes, with plenty of struggling on view. You can get it right here.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The ISD Tyrant -- Lego Star Destroyer

Two of my favorite things are Legos and Star Wars, and here's a video with both of them. This guy did not build the standard Lego Star Destroyer kit. No, he actually built his own, super-sized Lego SD.

It's far larger than the regular Lego SD and it also has an interior for figures! He's created a hanger bay for TIE fighters and a shuttle and even has a bridge set up with an officer being force-choked. Damn, very nice job!