
Sunday, July 31, 2016

Three Days

This is a scene from a Korean TV show called Three Days (episode 13) about an assassination attempt on their president that leads to a vast conspiracy. A woman is abducted from her hospital bed and brought before this "mastermind-type" dude, who leaves her tied up in his office.

Big mistake on the bad guy's part, because the woman, left bound to a chair, sees a knife on the desk, and promptly struggles to move her chair close enough to reach the blade.

A great scene with a barefoot damsel who manages to rescue herself after a struggle. You can get it right here.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

New on DA

A pair of kidnappers ignore their captive to check out what's wrong with their TV. But they ignore their bare chested and barefoot captive at their own peril! You can find this new Poser pic right here.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

A new cover for Ryta's first adventure

I decided to change the cover for the very first Ryta The Jungle Girl Book. I was never crazy about the original artwork, and felt that I could do a better job. What do you think?

You can get the first Ryta The Jungle Girl Adventure right here.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Wonder Woman is back!

This is the first trailer for the new standalone Wonder Woman film starring Gail Gadot. I used to watch (and loved) the Linda Carter Wonder Woman series as a kid, and so I'm really loving the fact that the Amazonian Princess is back in full force.

I thought Gadot's Wonder Woman was one of the best things about Batman V Superman (the other being Ben Affleck's world-weary Batman), and so I'm really looking forward to seeing WW in her own adventure.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Zen Bondage

A reporter for the NY Post newspaper gets sent to investigate a new trend in New York: Zen Bondage. Of course, she gets tied up and it's a very nice thing to see.

Zen bondage is supposedly a way to relax and meditate, while tied up. This is all news to me, but I'm very happy to see it. :) I'd like to thank the poster Another John for giving us the heads up on this over on Brian's Page.

The whole clip is just under five minutes, and you can get it right here.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Futurama fan film

Somebody is making a live-action fan film of Futurama, the goofy and great cartoon about life in the future. Here's the trailer for it. Fry, Bender and the gang are all here.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

New artwork on DA

A nice young couple on vacation find themselves tied back to back in chairs in my latest Poser picture, which can be found right here.

Happy Moon Landing Day

On this day in 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first men to walk on the surface of the moon. Armstrong was the very first one out of the capsule, reciting the now-immortal line, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

I still get chills seeing pictures of the Apollo astronauts on the moon, and hope that we will return there someday. Back to the moon and beyond.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Just making some art

Interesting way of creating a painting by just dripping paint onto the canvas. Watching them make the painting is fascinating.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Otage (Hostage)

A young woman is kidnapped by thugs and held in a darkened room. Then things get strange. A dark and gritty short film in French, but can still be understood because the story is told visually. It's very intense, NSFW, but also very well done.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Aliens have invaded Deviant Art!

An alien invader finds out just how pesky human women can be in my latest Poser picture, which can be found right here.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Disney Castle from Lego

I used to build Lego sets when I was a kid. I had a police and fire station, along with the vehicles. They were simple but effective. I loved building and playing with them.

When I saw this video (which is a review of the upcoming castle set, due out in September, 2016), I was mesmerized at just how sophisticated these Lego sets have become. The amount of detail work both on and in this castle is insane! Good stuff.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Started another one

Just finished writing the first one thousand words of the latest Ryta book (number 9, if you can believe it!). I was having trouble starting this one until the opening scene just came to me in a white hot flash of inspiration. And now we're off and running once more. Hope to have this one done by the fall, maybe September.

Friday, July 8, 2016

SK Babies

Tanja Wedhorn stars as a policewoman who's been kidnapped by some evil fiends!

She been left strung up over a pool, being held up by the hero, who's been tied into position in an ovelry complex manner that Rube Goldberg would approve of. As always, I didn't clip this, but you can find this right here.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

John Carpenter and Joe Dante

John Carpenter directed the original Halloween (and is gearing up to produce a remake) as well as the fantastic The Thing, They Live, The Fog, and a host of other great movies.

Joe Dante directed Gremlins and its very funny sequel Gremlins 2, The Howling, as well as several other very enjoyable films. Both of these directors give separate highly entertaining interviews on Marc Maron's podcast. Enjoy.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

My DA page is updated

A young naked woman meets a really big bug in the latest Poser picture that I have up on Deviant Art. You can view it right here.