
Monday, December 28, 2015

Batgirl Rises

Batgirl Rises is a great fan-produced film that tells the origins of the superheroine through the same gritty style as the film Batman Begins. There's great fun involved seeing the familiar Batman characters, and the Riddler in particular is very good. Give it a shot when you have the chance.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Flesh and Bone

Emily Tyra stars in this episode of Flesh and Bone, called Boogie Dark (1.04), where she engages in a good time with the brother of her roommate.

Even though she willingly allows her hands to be tied behind her back, the guy goes a few steps too far by gagging her and then hogtying her on the floor.

Things get creepy as it becomes clear that his idea of a good time differs wildly than hers as he self-services himself right then and there. She emerges unscathed from this incident--he at least has the decency to untie a knot on her bonds, allowing her to free herself. Raffish clipped this one, and you can get it right here.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

DA has a new pic by me

A topless damsel gets told off by her captor. You can see the new picture right here.

I've taken a little vacation from writing the latest Ryta book, since we're in the middle of Christmas and New Years. I'm 35 pages into the book. But when you consider that I originally wasn't going to start the new book until well after the New Year, this is a very nice jump start to the proceedings.

Season's Greetings to you; I hope you're having a happy and healthy holiday season.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Force Awakens

I saw the new Star Wars film, and I really enjoyed it. Much better than the prequels, the new movie recaptures the vibe of the original trilogy very nicely.

Looking forward to Rogue One, now. Of course I also can't wait for Episodes eight and nine. It's really great to have Star Wars back and hitting all thrusters.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Caught snoop

In this clip we see a woman who's snooping around get caught by the bad guys. She's held by one of them, who aims a gun at the hero, and he drags her away.

When we next see her, she's tied to a chair in a warehouse somewhere, sans shoes and suit jacket. The leader of the bad guys comes over and harasses her.

But no worries, for she's soon rescued. I forgot who clipped this one (I think it's Sam), but it's a nice little scene. You can get it right right here.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Star Trek Beyond

I'm just as much a fan of Star Trek as I am of Star Wars, but this Extreme Sports edition of Trek has got me wondering. Maybe the movie will be better than the trailer.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

There's a new pic over at DA

A determined (and topless) damsel manages to work herself free from a chair. You can see the new picture right here.

In writing news, I'm now about thirty pages into the new Ryta book, and it's going very well. Hail, hail, the gang is back...or they soon will be once I get this one finished. Keep it here for more updates on Ryta 7.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Now this is funny

This video made me laugh so hard that I had to share it. Be sure to watch the reactions of Kate McKinnon's co-stars; she's so funny they're actually having trouble keeping themselves from losing it. Great stuff.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

I Found You

I Found You is a song from the group The Wanted.

I don't know why there's a bound and gagged woman in their video, but who cares?

Sam has edited their video down to just the scenes with the woman. And so now you don't have to care about the song, either. You can get the clip right here.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Weird stuff I find on youtube

Ten hours...that's ten solid hours...of artillery shelling. But I have to admit I used this for when I was writing a battle scene. It helped to put me right in the moment. So if you're looking for a similar type of battlefield inspiration (for a writing project, or whatever), you can't go wrong with this.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Agente segreto 777

Nice scene from the spy movie Agente segreto 777. A woman (don't know the name of the actress) is knocked out and tied up with her own stockings by a bad guy.

She manages to call for help while still bound and gagged. A resourceful lady! I didn't clip this (and I don't remember who did) but my thanks to them for a great, clear copy. You can get the clip right here.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

DA has been updated with new pic

A pouting heiress is being secured until the arrival of the ransom over on my Deviant Art page. You can see the new picture right here.

In other news, I've started work on the new Ryta book. No name yet, I'm calling it Ryta 7 for now. I've just started writing yesterday ( have 2100 words), but the ice has been broken and work shall proceed a lot quickly from this point on. I'll keep you updated on the progress.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Happy Birthday, Boris

He was born William Pratt, but the world knew him by his most famous monster, Frankenstein. Today, November 23, was his birthday. Happy birthday Boris Karloff!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Superman III the horror film

SUPERMAN III - From Horrible to Horror from One Perfect Shot on Vimeo.

This is a fan edit of a trailer for Superman III, starring Chris Reeves, as a horror film. From horrible to horror, indeed.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Le Bureau des Légendes

Donia Eden stars as a woman who sleeps with a spy who has lost his nut. He goes crazy, thinking she's an enemy agent, and therefore captures her.

She's helplessly tied to a coffee table while the crazy spy calls his friends over to help him "deal" with her. This was clipped by French Guy. You can get the clip right here.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A Daughter of Ryklon

Sasha Demesi finds herself caught between a rock and a hard place when she's captured by the Earth Imperium. But instead of sending her off to life in prison, Sasha is sent to the mining colony of Merrill, where she--along with her fellow captives--are forced to explore what killed the population of the planet.

What Sasha finds there is more of a terrifying threat than the Earth Imperium ever could be.

My latest book is now available in the Amazon Kindle store. It's my first full fledged science fiction adventure in the same vein as Star Wars. You can get yourself a copy of A Daughter of Ryklon right here.

Note: the Ryta the Jungle Girl adventures will continue as well.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

New picture at DA

A desperate escape attempt is underway over on my Deviant Art page. You can see the new picture right here.

In other news, the new book is almost finished. I expect to have it ready for sale by this coming weekend, if not sooner. It's my first science fiction novel. Keep it here for more news in the coming days.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

K11 - Kommissare im Einsatz

Caught by drug dealers while taking a nap, Alexandra Rietz is tied up by them in the kitchen while they remove drugs that they stashed under the sink.

It's a short scene from a German cop show. But she's barefoot and extremely cute. You can find this right here.

Monday, November 9, 2015

2 Robbers and a Housekeeper

2 Robbers and a Housekeeper is a short but sweet film that's up on Youtube. It's nicely done, with some good suspense.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Star Wars The International Trailer

What, more Star Wars? Well this trailer is different from the one that was released in the US. It's got more scenes that weren't in the other trailer, showing a little bit more of the story.

I still can't wait!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

New Lara pic at DA

Halloween may be over, but the Poser Pics continue! This time, Lara Croft gets sent to bed with a lot of rope and a very sharp sword. You can see the new picture right here.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Not the James Bond film, but a TV movie from the 1970s about the occult that was produced by Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry. It was meant to be a pilot for a potential series, but it never took off.

These scenes are from the climatic "human sacrifice" scene, featuring two barefoot women in bondage. You can seen their scenes in this clip here.

You can also see the entire movie right here:

Monday, November 2, 2015

Bound in a Sauna

A guy goes walking through the woods, until he comes upon a beautiful naked woman who is bound hand and foot and gagged inside of a sauna.

She's being held hostage in there by crooks, and so the guy goes in to rescue her. But as Admiral Ackbar would say, "It's a trap!"

The video's not the best quality, but it's worth it for the trussed up beauty in the sauna. You can get it here.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween!

Hope you're having a safe and Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wanna see something scary?

I thought I'd post something really scary for the days just before Halloween. Somebody took the recent Star Wars trailer and cut Jar Jar Binks into it. Now THAT'S downright terrifying! What did we do to this guy to deserve this?!

Monday, October 26, 2015

More creepy stuff at DA

The creepiness continues over on my Deviant Art Page, all to celebrate this last week before Halloween. You can see the new picture right here.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

"Abe" a short film

Abe is a very well done short film about a young woman who finds herself at the mercy of a strange robot. Highly recommended. And this is right in my wheelhouse these days, because I'm still working on my science fiction book, which I'm planning to get published in mid to late November.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

More booga-booga at DA

It's still October, with Halloween closing in on us, and that means another creepy ooky picture is up over at my Deviant Art Page. You can see it right here.

The Star Wars trailer

Damn, this is looking very good! This trailer revives so many childhood feelings within me about Star Wars, all of them good. I can't wait for this one.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

The final Star Wars poster

This is supposed to be the final poster for the new Star Wars film, The Force Awakens. I think it looks great, but one question: where's Luke? Hmmm. I was searching for him like I was looking at a 'Where's Waldo' picture. It's getting closer, now! Just two months away!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Lauren Cohan and Ali Larter's bound legs

Lauren Cohan, Maggie from The Walking Dead, stars in a creepy new horror film where she must babysit...a doll? I'm intrigued. Maybe this one will give us a scene, who knows?

Ali Larter, from Heroes, has posted a picture of her bound bare legs and feet on Instagram.

I've got more weird stuff to see over on my Deviant Art page.

And after writing six Ryta books in a row, I've decided to try something different. The new book will be a science fiction story featuring an all-new character. More on this in the days to come. Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The third ep of Quantico

The third episode of Quantico has a scene. Taking place at the FBI Academy pool, students are zip tied together at the wrists back to back.

Then they're thrown into the pool, where they're supposed to somehow get each other free.

The heroine and her friend struggle for a bit in the water, until they're able to work each other loose.

There are guys tied up with them, but despite this I thought it was a nice scene. Short and sweet, and taking place in the opening five minutes of the third episode (called "Cover"). Hopefully somebody can make a clip of this.

Saturday, October 10, 2015


Apparently even Jedi knights can have a really bad day. Somehow this makes me feel better.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Pride and Prejudice...and zombies

Never read the book (never was a big Jane Austin fan), but seeing this trailer now makes me really want to. Zombies are sure getting into everything these days....

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Another new scary pic at DA

I've posted a new scary Poser picture for October over at DA. You can see it right here.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Crimson Peak trailer

It's been a while since I've seen a good, scary flick. I'm looking forward to this. It opens in theaters on October 16.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Pernicious has a scene

The horror movie Pernicious has a barefoot bondage scene with two women tied to chairs at the very end (about an hour 15 minutes or so). The scene is very brief, there are no gags, and it ends very badly for both women. Personally, I don't like it (not a big fan when the damsels meet a bad end) but I thought I should mention it just to be complete.

The movie itself was pretty lame. Not very scary, and it borrows too much from other scary movies, although it does provide some nice shots of Thailand (where it was shot).

Saturday, October 3, 2015

A public service announcement (JK)

Having a baby? Concerned that it might be the prophesied messiah who will bring balance to the Force? Why wait? Find out now!

Friday, October 2, 2015

New scary DA pics for October

It's October! The month that contains Halloween, my favorite holiday! And that means there will be some pretty creepy pictures going up on Deviant Art, starting with a bound damsel who's been left with a zombie!

You can see it right here.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Barefoot bondage on Heroes

Nora Zehetner is in this clip as a tightly chained up and tape-gagged superhuman who's been captured by the Guy With Glasses. The reason they gag her is because of Nora's ability to make people do whatever she wants just by telling them.

Nora's also barefoot in this short but sweet clip, which I believe was done by Sam. The episode is number 10 from the first season and is called "Six Months Ago." You can get it here.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Unter uns

I love this scene. It's from a German TV series. Valea Scalabrino stars here as a young woman in a predicament. She's tied to a bench with plasti-ties in what looks like a school. She's barefoot, dressed scantily in a tank top and low cut black shorts, and the hallway's about to be flooded with people.

Luckily, a guy comes to her rescue just in the nick of time. In addition to the barefoot bondage, I like this scene because it's not your usual damsel in distress moment. It's also very brief, only forty five seconds long. Short and sweet; as I said earlier, I love this scene.

I believe Sam clipped this one. You can find it right here.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Another new pic at DA

I've posted another picture over on the DA page. It's a bound topless woman sizing up a plastic knife. You can see it right here.

Meanwhile there will be more stuff to come right here on the blog. Watch this space! :)

Saturday, September 19, 2015

3 Days scene

A woman is abducted from her hospital room and tied to a chair and gagged with duct tape in an office.

A guy comes in and gloats over her, initially threatening her with a knife, only to remove her gag.

Receiving a phone call, he leaves the woman still tied hand and foot to the chair. But she notices that he left the knife behind. So begins a nice scene of her struggling to move the chair over to the desk.

It's a great scene, with lots of struggling, plenty of shots of her bound bare feet, and you genuinely root for her to get free.

This was clipped by French Guy, and you can find it right here.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Ronda Rousey Vs. Ellen

Unfortunately Ronda doesn't take on Ellen, but she does show off her moves (in her bare feet) against an unlucky guy (or a very lucky dude, depending how you view this).

Saturday, September 12, 2015

A new picture on DA

I've posted another picture over on the DA page. It's a captured couple who're getting gagged for talking way too much. You can see it right here.