
Saturday, June 27, 2015

New picture on Deviant Art

I've added a new picture, "Get up there!", at my Deviant Art Page. As always, you can check it out right here.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

When Charlie's Angels were kidnapped by Grizzly Addams

So, the Angels go undercover as lifeguards on a beach in Hawaii to catch some rough riders in dune buggies who are just shaking up the scene in a bad way, you know? But the dune buggy baddies, led by Grizzly Addams (Dan Haggerty) catch the angels instead! Sorry, Charlie....

So Grizzly takes them to his beach shack, their hands tied in front, and tells them to chill out in a room while he goes and does...something, I don't know what (maybe he has to feed the bears, or something).

Of course, no sooner than they're left alone, Kelly (Jaclyn Smith) and Kris (Cheryl Ladd) launch a plan to escape. That's what Grizzly gets for tangling with the Angels! Although they're not gagged, and nor are their feet tied, for this entire scene, Smith and Ladd go barefoot. I like it.

You can get it here.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Unbound a short film

Unbound is a fast-paced and suspenseful little short film starring Carissa Leigh and Zackary Bonin that's worth a few minutes of your time.

You can check it out right here.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

New picture up at DA

I've added a new picture at my Deviant Art Page. As always, you can check it out right here.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Prisoner Maria The Movie

This is from Prisoner Maria: The Movie. A nurse enters a room to find a young Japanese woman strapped down to the bed.

She's barefoot, and seemingly clad only in a straightjacket. She's struggling fiercely against her bonds to no avail.

She's also gagged for good measure. Some pretty intense medical bondage here. It's a short scene, but sweet. You can get it here.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Jurassic World

I saw Jurassic World over the weekend. I watched it in a very crowded theater with a lot of whooping and hollering people who seemed to enjoy it just as much as I did. No bondage scenes (unless you like seeing dinosaurs in bondage--hey, no judgement here!), but it's still a fun, thrilling movie that I liked very much.

They finally bring in the Mesosaurus, the great underwater predator seen in the poster above (and I've also cast him in a few scenes in my Ryta the Jungle Girl books). Speaking of which, I'm now about two thirds of the way through the first draft of the sixth Ryta book. I'm hoping to have it ready by the end of summer, at the latest. I'll keep you posted on its progress.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Premonition clip

Sandra Bullock stars in Premonition, a supernatural thriller which could have just as easily been on the Lifetime Channel. Still, it has a nice scene. Sandra gets committed to a mental institution against her will.

The first scenes show her struggling frantically against her bonds on a bench in a hallway while she tries to see what's going on in another room.

Then she gets strapped down to a table--and all of this happens while she's barefoot to boot (or no boot, as it happens). You can download this at my account right over here.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

RIP Christopher Lee

"I like a girl in a bikini. No concealed weapons."

-- Francisco Scaramanga (Christopher Lee) from The Man With The Golden Gun.

I saw this movie in the theaters as a little boy, and was transfixed by Christopher Lee's performance as the villain. He utters the above line just after we see the captured Bond girl Mary Goodnight (played by Britt Ekland) emerge in Scaramanga's lair clad only in a bikini.

This film, along with Chris Lee's Bond villain's line helped imbue in me a lifelong love of women in bikinis. But far more than that, Chris Lee was one of my all-time favorite actors, having also played Dracula, as well as having roles in the Star Wars films and the Lord Of The Rings series (he was a huge fan of the LOTR books) and many more films. He died today at age 93.

Rest in peace, Mr. Lee.

Victim (another short film)

This one has a nice twist at the end, with lot of suspense and very tense moments leading up to the twist. Oh, and it also has a beautiful woman in plenty of barefoot bondage in two major scenes. She gets very bloody, though. But it's very well done overall. Recommended. Just click above to see it.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Camera (a short film)

No bondage in this one, but it's still a very well done short film about a barefoot girl who goes exploring in an abandoned beach house and finds a very interesting camera.

Hope you're having a good week.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

New picture on DA

I've added a new picture at my Deviant Art Page. You can check it out right here.

Friday, June 5, 2015


Another favorite scene of mine is from Dario Argento's Opera, where the heroine is captured for the first time by the killer and is made to watch as he kills her lover.

A great tying up and gagging sequence is then followed by a grisly on-screen murder. But the heroine escapes afterwards. This was posted to my old Dailymotion account, but the video was taken down, along with the account soon after. I was going through my files (as I mentioned earlier) and rediscovered this scene. You can download it here.

Of course, the same warning about sendspace applies:

NOTE: If you go to download this clip and see the above, make sure you UNCLICK the slot (which reads, "download with sendspace accelerator and get recommended offers). Once you unclick this, then hit download and it will take you to another page where you can download the clip properly.

If you leave it clicked while downloading, then you will also get ads and other unwanted stuff with your download. I have no control over Sendspace, I can't stop them from doing this, but I can at least warn people about it.

The Demon

Was going through my files when I found this brief but very nice scene. It's from the 1963 movie The Demon (Il demonio). And it's about a small town in South Italy that's dealing with a young woman who's possessed by a demon. Interesting way of dealing with the possessed!

You can download the clip here.

But be sure to read this friendly little advice, first:

NOTE: If you go to download this clip and see the above, make sure you UNCLICK the slot (which reads, "download with sendspace accelerator and get recommended offers). Once you unclick this, then hit download and it will take you to another page where you can download the clip properly.

If you leave it clicked while downloading, then you will also get ads and other unwanted stuff with your download. I have no control over Sendspace, I can't stop them from doing this, but I can at least warn people about it.

Shooting a poster for THC2

This is a sequence showing how they shot the poster art for the movie The Human Centipede Part 2. There's plenty of nekkid women in tape bondage (and, a word of warning, there are also guys, too). Their nudity is blanked out for your protection (but it's OK to show people sewn together--go figure). The bondage is very brief, so I have the video keyed to the scene in the link.

In any event, I thought this might be interesting to see right here.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

If You Scream -- short film

If You Scream is a tense short film that's on youtube right now. It deals with a young woman who's abducted and held captive (bound wrists, gagged at first) in an abandoned building. It's very suspenseful and very scary. Warning, it gets very nasty in places, so this is for mature audiences only.

I got this from a post on Brian's Page and when I saw it I thought it was very good. So I thought I'd pass it on. You can watch it right at the link above.

Monday, June 1, 2015

My DA Page is updated

Since I gave myself the challenge to create all-new Poser artwork (without using photos as backgrounds) it's taking a little longer to make a new picture these days. But I guess I'm going for quality instead of quantity now.

It certainly opens up a lot more possibilities in terms of posing the figure, and I notice that the figure can take dominance in the picture now.

In any event, there's a new Poser picture up, and it's of Lara Croft getting into trouble, as always. You can check it it right here.