
Monday, March 30, 2015

Max is back!

I enjoyed the original Mad Max trilogy when they first came out. But I wasn't sure what to make of this new Max film...until I discovered that it was directed by George Miller, the originator of Max. Now I'm looking forward to seeing this one. It opens in the US on May 15, 2015.

New version of an old clip

Sam has produced a new clip of the scene from the old TV series Wolf Lake. It's one of my favorite moments.

You can download Sam's clip at his link right here.

Friday, March 27, 2015

The new Ryta book is out now

My latest Ryta book, Ryta The Jungle Girl and the Cult of Manistee, is out now. You can pick up a copy of it right here.

Hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Ok, here's the new cover

After reworking the original cover, I made some changes, and here's the finished one. I made it wider, and got rid of the yellow line that ran through the center. It looks better, I think; it seems to have a nice balance to it that the original lacked.

I'll be formatting the book now. That's the process where you change an MS word document into the text that's seen in the Kindle. I do everything myself; I guess I'm a one man band. Just don't ask me to play everything at once! :)

Monday, March 23, 2015

The new Ryta cover..and title

I've been working on the cover for the new Ryta book--which, as you can see, is called Ryta The Jungle Girl and the Cult of Manistee!

But the more I look at it, it seems very narrow to me, like it's too tall. Maybe I should widen it somewhat. Other than the sizing, the cover is done; this will be the artwork you'll see on the new book's Kindle page.

Regarding the book overall, we're in the home stretch now. I plan to have it up by this coming weekend, maybe on Friday, March 27, if not sooner. Keep watching this space!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

It's all good...

The host that this blog is on recently stated that starting in mid-March they would not allow blogs with adult content. However, they've now changed their minds about this, and have basically stated: never mind!

I have added a warning page to this blog in accordance with their request. This seems fair to me. But, other than the new warning page, it's still business as usual here, which makes me very happy.

Let the weirdness continue! :)

Saturday, March 14, 2015

My Deviant Art Page is updated

I updated my Deviant Art page once again.

As always, the above picture is exclusive to this blog, but you can see more of my new Poser pics here.

The fifth Ryta book is creeping ever closer to being done. It's still on track to be published at the end of this month (March 2015). I'm starting work on the cover right now. Keep it here for the latest updates!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Caught going to the fridge

This is a clip of a young barefoot woman who's kidnapped while going to get something from the fridge.

Her abductor is a guy in a Santa mask, who binds her to a chair.

She puts up a great struggle, and is such a feisty gal that you can't help but cheer her on.

I didn't clip this. I think it might have been Flortentina, although I'm not sure. I have it up at my sendspace account right here.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

A little help from Conan

Sometimes when I'm deep in the writing of a Ryta book, I need a little help--a little motivation, if you will. I've been listening to the Conan The Barbarian soundtrack, from the 1982 movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I have this on iTunes, but there's a copy of the complete album on YouTube. You can listen to the music that helps inspires Ryta's adventures.

Speaking of Ryta, book number five is coming along very well. It's on track for its publication sometime in late March, just a few weeks from now. Stay tuned here for more details.