
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Bye bye, Dailymotion

After several months of pulling down videos that I uploaded, after several months of constant rejection, Dailymotion has sacked my account. Yes, friends, Dailymotion has proved itself to be a harsh mistress, for it has finally dumped me!

If that's how they want it, then fine, arrivederci, Dailymotion!

I shall carry on with my craziness, like this clip of Snapdragon from Sam, elsewhere.

They could have gone to Dailymotion to appreciate a wiggling Pam, but oh no!

This sort of tawdry thing was not good enough for Dailymotion? Very well.

Oh these hosting services are so fickle! But fear not, for you can see Sam's clip right here, instead!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas

Just wanted to wish everybody a Merry Christmas. Have a safe and happy one.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

More bed shenanigans

After getting grabbed and tied up by the bad guy (all shown onscreen) this damsel winds up tied down to a bed.

This was clipped by Sam, and it's a lengthy scene with lots and lots to see.

You can see Sam's clip right here.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

New Poser art is up on DA

I've uploaded more of my Poser art goofiness to my Deviant Art page.

The link to the DA page is right: here.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Strapped to the bed with nothing to do

This one's from Togolane. A woman awakens to find herself barefoot and clad in a hospital gown while strapped down to a bed.

But instead of a regular hospital room, there are lit candles on a table, and soon a bunch of guys in red robes show up and inject her with something...but not before they place a red mask over her face.

Weird stuff is afoot! You can see Togolane's clip right here.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Heather Locklear in TJ Hooker

Sam just posted this clip online. It's none other than the gorgeous Heather Locklear from the TJ Hooker episode "Trackdown".

She's been grabbed by the bad guys during a stakeout in a steak house (well, it was a restaurant of some kind..but a stakeout in a steak house sounds good, doesn't it? I dunno why, but now I'm hungry for steak). She's taken to a hotel room and cuffed to the headboard...which is something that probably happens in a lot of hotel rooms (between consensual adults).

TJ Hooker is played by William Shatner, who's really Captain Kirk, as far as I'm concerned. Anyway, Heather's barefoot while on the bed, and you can find Sam's clip of the shenanigans right here.