
Friday, November 28, 2014

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I usually don't get excited about trailers, but this one had me really enthusiastic to see this movie. Being a fan of the Original Trilogy, I never cared for the Star Wars Prequel Films, but The Force Awakens looks like it might be really fun--at least based on what I saw here.

Besides, it also stars a cute young woman riding a really wild hover bike. It might well have something for everybody.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'd just like to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Rejected again

I send flowers, I take it out on nice dinners, but Dailymotion keeps rejecting me, over and over. Maybe I need to take a time out from our relationship...I don't know, but while I'm figuring this heady stuff out, you can see the clip that Dailymotion rejected right here.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Tied to bed confessional

I have this clip from a movie, I don't know what film it is, of a woman who's tied down to a bed. There are some nice shots of her in this predicament.

After ample struggling from the bound woman, a really self-absorbed guy comes in and starts pouring his soul out to her, when all she really wants is to be untied from the damned bed.

As you might guess, it's a comedy. The guy finally does untie her, and there are some nice shots of her bare feet overall here. I didn't clip this. I believe this was clipped by Sam.

I have this clip right here.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

My Deviant Art page is updated for November

Four new pictures have been posted on my Deviant Art page. As usual, I hope you enjoy them.

The link to the DA page is right: here.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Twister's Revenge is over!

Dailymotion pulled this video from my account. The screen said, "rejected, click here to delete".

When I deleted it, a screen came up, asking me, "Are you SURE you want to delete?"

No, I don't want to delete it, but since it's been rejected, what choice do I have?

Honestly, dealing with Dailymotion at times can be so much fun! :D

Anyway, M John's clip of Twister's Revenge can now be found here.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Twister's Revenge

Meredith Orr stars in this goofy movie as a woman who's been abducted while making whoopie with her boyfriend. She's taken to a cave where she's tied to a chair.

For some reason the bad guys have a coffee maker in the cave. Guess they really like their coffee.

After much struggling against her bonds, Meredith is eventually rescued, and the coffee maker is also given a nice new home. All is well in Twister's Revenge.

This was originally clipped by M Johns, and you can find this right here.